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FW: Chief Natividad from HSL-51 QA

 Mr Faraj and LT. Cook,

    Here is LT Lemon's contact information. 

I am still contacting people as character witness

ADC Natividad

-----Original Message-----
From: Lemon, Christopher K LT HSM41, Training 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 17:54
To: Natividad, Michael P ADC RTC GRLK
Subject: RE: Chief Natividad from HSL-51 QA


I am truly sorry to hear about your current legal issues.  I have no problem being a character witness for you.  You were an important part of 51's QA division's success and talking about your performance and my confidence in you is the least I could do.  

My cell phone number is (858)531-7351 and my office line direct is (619)545-8289.  Let me know what I need to do.  I suggest that you forward this to your defense counsel and have them contact me.  Have you reached out to AEC Knight?

LT Lemon



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