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RE: LIBC/LTU workshop flier and registration form text

Dear Professor,


Dr. Ned and I reviewed your attachments and both agreed that the content of both are fine. I made minor changes to the flyer removing the comments you had highlighted. The information now fits on one page. I also changed the LIBC website address from libc.net to libcusa.com. The registration form required no further modifications. Please proceed by sending the following attachment to LTU Marketing so we may have the final draft as soon as possible.


In regards to registration I have no problem handling and being the contact person for the workshop. Dr. Ned and I have one concern. We were wondering if we can run all credit cards through the LTU system. The LIBC is not yet set up to process credit cards. I can take all the information from registering guests and present it to whomever is in charge of that department at LTU? The LIBC can accept all check and cash payments. The money will then be put in the pot and distributed according to our agreement after the completion of the workshop. Is this an option?


I know you will not be back into the office until tomorrow March 2nd . Please let me know your thoughts.


Hope you had a safe and good trip. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Thank you for your time and effort.



Best regards,


Reima Abouarabi


From: Gerald Lindman [mailto:glindman@ltu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:53 PM
To: 'Reima Abouarabi'
Cc: Ned Fawaz; Nadia Shuayto; 'Robert Inskeep'
Subject: FW: LIBC/LTU workshop flier and registration form text


Hi Reima,

See attached for the first draft of the COPY for LIBC/LTU workshop. Please review thoroughly. In particular, please explain how people should be directed to REGISTER which will be handled by you. Suggest Mail-in or Fax options.

Let me know final copy and I will get back to LTU Marketing for final design.




Gerald (Jerry) Lindman, JD

Senior Lecturer

Director, Center for Nonprofit Management

Lawrence Technological University



Check out our 100% online nonprofit graduate program!


From: Anne Adamus [mailto:aadamus@ltu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Jerry Lindman
Cc: Bruce Annett
Subject: LIBC/LTU workshop flier and registration form text


Hi Jerry,


Here are texts of the workshop flier and the registration form for your review. Let me know if you have any changes.





Anne M. G. Adamus
Director of University Communications
Lawrence Technological University
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075


Attachment: Workshop for LBIC atLTU flier 3-1-2011.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Attachment: logo1.jpg
Description: JPEG image