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Smart Girl Politics Needs Your Help

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Today, as I write to you, the economy of this great country stumbles, and the current Congress and the administration continue to advance an agenda filled with new entitlements funded by increased taxes, leading to unprecedented spending.  And they threaten our safety, by playing political games and addressing national security and threats of terrorism with semantics and sound bites rather than implementing a sound national defense policy that will keep our families and loved ones safe. 

In the wake of these actions, Americans across the country have become increasingly engaged in government, and specifically on behalf of conservative principles.  As an organization, Smart Girl Politics stands ready and willing to spearhead this effort in order to effect positive change and return to the principles of our Founding Fathers.  

The leadership team at Smart Girl Politics, some of whom work full-time, is made up entirely of volunteers.  Currently, we have a training team in place, ready to get out there and train, with a special focus on issues near and dear to our heart:  voter registration, preventing voter fraud, and getting more women involved in the political process.  

With 25,000 members, Smart Girl Politics runs on nearly one tenth of the budget of most organizations its size.  This is truly a testament to not only its leadership team, but to its membership as a whole.  But the time has come for us to turn up the volume.  By sending a $5 donation today, you can help to effect change in this country and ensure that we change course and begin moving this country in the right direction. 

We hope over the last year that SGP has given you a place to share your thoughts and opinions.  We hope that we have armed you with the information necessary to make a change.  We hope that we have helped give conservative women a voice like never before.  And now we hope that you will help us to continue the fight for conservative principles.  

If you haven't yet given, we ask that you please give. If you have already given, we ask that you please give a little more. And please ask a few conservative friends and coworkers to join our organization.  If each one of you can contribute just $5 and find just a few friends to do likewise, we can harness the power of our numbers and ensure that a conservative grassroots organization with the right ideas, the right message, and an energized base of support can not only become successful, but can change this country. 

Thank you so much for being active in Smart Girl Politics. Together, we will continue to do great things.

Stacy Mott

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