Dear Colleague, As the Co-Chairs of the International Committee of ABA’s Dispute Resolution Section, we’d like to draw your attention to the kick-off event of our renewed committee on April 7th at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, 5 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA (see: http://www.abanet.org/dispute/docs/intlcomm_2010.pdf). Please find attached the proposed program for that afternoon’s event. As you can see the agenda is a mix of meeting and discussing how we can add value as a committee and what ABA’s members should expect from this committee. It is also about setting up a new infrastructure, with sub-committees, activities and information on international developments in ADR. As an added incentive, do not miss Professor Hal Abramson’s workshop on: "How to mediate and negotiate effectively in any country or culture", based on his new book Mediation Representation: Advocating as a Problem-Solver in Any Country or Culture. The event will also be followed by a cocktail reception, graciously offered by JAMS in their nearby offices at Two Embarcadero Center, Suite 1500. We hope that our committee’s activities will be of interest to you and we would like to cordially renew our invitation for you to join us in San Francisco, where you will meet with our committee’s existing and new members. If you would like to register for this event (which is free of charge) or cannot attend but would like to join one of our subcommittees, please do so by sending an e-mail to David Moora at moorad@staff.abanet.org. We’re looking very much forward to seeing many of you in San Francisco soon and to jointly creating an active International Committee of the DR Section with your involvement and support. Best regards,
Manon Schonewille Jeremy Lack
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