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Arab Detroit E-Newsletter Wednesday April 14, 2010
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![arab detroit radio]() Time is Running Out to Mail Back 2010 Census Forms
![Census Form]() Over the next three days, Arab Americans are encouraged to promptly mail back their forms because
census data are used to determine how more than $400 billion of federal
funding is spent annually on community services, including hospitals,
schools, senior centers, roads and job training centers. Click here for more information about this News See Video Link
American Arab Chamber of Commerce Small Business Detroit Microloan Program
![American Arab Chamber Microloan]() The American Arab Chamber of Commerce hosts a valuable seminar for small businesses seeking to borrow money. The Small Business Detroit Microloan
Program will take place today at 5:00pm.
Yemeni American Public Affairs Council Hosts Career Fair
YAPAC in conjunction with the University of Michigan-Dearborn Career
Services Office present Career Exploration Day, an opportunity for
students to learn about job opportunities in medicine, IT, web design,
engineering, law, education, business, military, and much more.
Chaldean American Ladies of Charity "Arabian Gallabia Night"
![Arab Woman Traditional Dress]()
The Chaldean American Ladies of Charity and the Immaculate Conception of
St. Toma Church present Arabian Gallabia Night this Thursday.
Muslims in Michigan Community Conversation
Learn more about Michigan's Muslim community during this moderated panel
discussion at the Arthur Miller Theater on the University of Michigan's
North Campus. The conversation is free and open to the public with
limited seating.
Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce 7th Annual Awards Dinner
![Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce]() The Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce presents their 7th Annual
Awards Dinner, honoring Senator Roger Khan, Akram Faraj Hermiz and Happy Asker.
Click Here for more information about this Event
St. Mary's Cultural Center Spring Millionaires Party
![Millionaires Party]()
St. Mary's Cultural Center presents the Spring Millionaires Party. Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, Let it Ride, Wheel of Fortune, Poker. Raffles include one night stay at MGM Grand Hotel, dinner for two, and
a plasma HD television.
Click here for more information about this Event
Qana, Lebanon 14th Annual Memorial Service
![Qana, Lebanon]()
The Qana Al-Jalil Committee, in cooperation with Congress of Arab American
Organizations, and the Amal Movement-North America, hosts its 4th and the
14th annual commemorations of the Qana Massacres.
Click here for more information about this Event
Arab American National Museum Free Craft Sundays
![Arab American National Museum]() It's spring - time to go out and fly a kite! Children will build and
decorate their own kites. Session is limited to the first
25 children accompanied by a parent.
Click here for more information about this Event
An Evening on Palestine with Professor of Anthropology Jeff Halper
![Jeff Halper]() Halper is the author of An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting
Dispossession, Redeeming Israel. He is also the author of Between Redemption and Revival: The
Jewish Yishuv in Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century. Halper was nominated
for the Nobel Peace Prize by the American Friends Service Committee in 2006.
Click here for more information about this Event
Mother's Day 2010 with Syrian Actor Jamal Suliman Sunday, May 9, 2010
Watch the "Arab Detroit" Public Television Special ![Reema Wide]() Join Arab Detroit on Facebook
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Listen to Arab Detroit Radio24/7 Internet Digital Radio Station
If you haven't heard Arab Detroit Radio, tune in for an eclectic mix of Arabic music including the classical, folk, and pop genres. Arab Detroit Radio is the first Michigan based digital radio station serving the Arab American community in Michigan and throughout the world via the world wide web.
Arab Detroit "MarketPlace" Business and Professional Directory
To advertise in MarketPlace call: 1-877-272-2944 or via email:
Find Arab and American business listings on MarketPlace!
This week's featured Business...
Mosaic Print and Design Mosaic Design Group offers
digital and offset printing services including, business cards, stationary, brochures, flyers, posters, folders, menus, labels, postcards, large format posters, banners, and wedding invitations.
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![]() This week's featured Organization...
Al Ajyal Theatrical Group
AJYAL's mission is to provide quality Arabic theater, arts and cultural
experiences for the Arab-American communities around the USA and Canada.
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Contact Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: web:
Arab Detroit | 14628 W. Warren Ave., Suite C | Dearborn | MI | 48126