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Fwd: Fieger Referral Mr. Shallal

resending on correct server...sigh...
Begin forwarded message:

From: Marcelyn Atwood <marcy@puckettfaraj.com>
Date: March 17, 2010 2:25:40 PM EDT
To: Eric Montalvo <eric@puckettfaraj.com>, Faraj Haytham <haytham@puckettfaraj.com>
Subject: Fieger Referral Mr. Shallal

Yep, I'm catching up on Emails now...

Case:  Employment Law on wrongful termination from SAIC.  

I believe you two agreed we couldn't do this?  Apparently, professional Law Firms with a HUGH overhead staff can do regret letters so potential clients you can't assist don't call.  In order to BARR THE DOOR to the Fieger referrals, when necessary, here is a draft letter. 

If ok, will send.

Attachment: DeclineRepresentationTemplate.doc
Description: MS-Word document