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RE: Rowe motions

  Here's what I'm thinking...

For the Multiplicity Argument:

- Charge I Spec 5 mult. w/ Charge I Spec 1
- Charge I Spec 2 mult. w/ Charge II
- Charge II Spec 1 mult. w/ Charge II Spec 2
- Charge IV mult. w/ Charge VII Spec 3 and Add'tl Charge Spec 2
- Charge V mult. w/ Charge I
- Charge VI mult w/ Charge VII Spec 1

For the UMC Argument:

Charge I Spec 4 (indecent act) as the umbrella offense for:
- Charge I Specs 1, 2, 3, and 5
- Charge III
- Charge V
- Charge VI
- Charge VII Specs 1 and 4 
- Add'l Charge Spec 2

Charge III Spec 1 is the umbrella for Spec 2

Add'l Charge Spec 2 is the umbrella offense for Charge IV

What do you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: Haytham Faraj [mailto:haytham@puckettfaraj.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 20:01
To: Shinn Capt Scott R
Subject: Rowe motions


I would like you to take a close look at the charge sheet and draft a motion to challenge multiplicity and UMC.  I think there are a lot of multiplicious charges or unfair multiplication of charges.  We should be able to kill a few of those before trial.



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