![Criminal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan]()
Register Now!
This event is offered in conjunction with the Bar's Annual Meeting
Date: Friday, September 16, 2011
Time: 9 a.m.–Noon
Location: Hyatt Regency, Dearborn
Registration: While there is no charge to attend, registration is requested to allow for proper facilities planning. Visit the Bar's Annual Meeting page for registration details.
Business Meeting
Chair-Elect Stephen Taratuta will be inducted into his new position, the Council will select a new treasurer, and five members will be elected to the Council. The five candidates receiving the most votes will serve a three-year term. To be elected, a candidate must be a member of the Criminal Law Section. Those who wish to be nominated, or those who wish to nominate a member to stand for election, should submit the following to the Nominating Committee:
Name, P number, and address of the nominee.
A brief written candidate statement (by or on behalf of the nominee)
Nominations will be allowed from the floor. Please confine the written candidate statements to no more than one page, and submit them to MarutiakM@michigan.gov or:
Michael Marutiak
1131 Vail Court
Lansing, MI 48917-4000
You must be present to vote. Candidates do not have to be present, but their presence is encouraged. A brief oral statement by candidates is permitted before elections. The winners of the election will be announced at the meeting. For questions about the election, call Nominating Committee Chair Michael Marutiak at (517) 242-4792.
Monitoring Sex Offenders: How We Do It and Does It Work
Discussion of Michigan’s revised sex offender registry law, standard parole conditions for sex offenders, and the costs and consequences of monitoring sex offenders.
Implementing Michigan’s Revised Sex Offender Registry
Sgt. Chris Hawkins, Legislative Liaison, Michigan State Police
Standard Parole Conditions for Sex Offenders
Miriam Aukerman, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan
The Costs and Consequences of Sex Offender Monitoring
Jill S. Levenson, PhD., Assistant Professor of Human Services, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL
Sex Offender Monitoring: A Prosecutor’s Perspective
Lora Weingarden, Assistant Prosecutor, Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office Child Abuse Unit
For more information on the program, contact Sherrie Guess at spguess@msn.com or (517) 420-6745; or Barbara Levine at blevine@capps-mi.org or (517) 482-7753.