Plze check this edit for website and recommend "We provide best-in-class legal representation" be reviewed for Virginia Ethics utilization of the word "best" on the website. Plze advise. I'm not in the know about the last year of clients so to comply with the Virginia ethics rules regarding the way the last sentence is worded indicates you have represented clients in court for all the categories listed - does that include the National security and Federal white collar list? If
you are charged with a crime, you will need the assistance of a skilled and
experienced attorney. Our attorneys have extensive criminal defense experience.
They understand the overwhelming stress that results from being charged with a
crime and have an unmatched depth of experience guiding clients through all
phases of the criminal justice process, from investigation to indictment, plea
negotiations and trial. On Jul 29, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Haytham Faraj wrote: