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Business Generating Nuggets from Solomon Bruce Consulting LLC

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July 2011

Welcome to Solomon Bruce Consulting...

Dear Puckett,

July is here!!  Hot Dogs, Watermelon, Baseball, Homemade Ice Cream and Apple Pie
 along with fireworks and parades depict summer and the 4th of July!  Getting together
with friends and family to picnic and celebrate the summeris a tradition as old 
as our country!
Well, the summer is almost half over!  Where has the time gone? When is the warm
 weather coming?  In some parts of the USA, they have had warm weather for at least
a month.  In Montana, we finally have warm weather!  The sun is out and folks are
at the lake and outdoors!
Now is the time to celebrate the accomplishments you have achieved the first six
 months of this year.  Hopefully, you have had a great first half of the year, have
taken the necessary steps to be ready for the fall and winter seasons up coming!
  Many analysts forecast that the second six months will be better than the first!
Give us a call if you need a "tune-up" for the fall season!  Sometimes, just a short
visit with one of our consultants is all that is necessary to continue to have a
 successful fall season.

Small Business Owners Optimistic on Last Half of 2011!

A recent survey  of 300 small business owners on the East Coast of the United States
by TD bank revealed optimism and excitement about the last half of 2011.  Many survey
respondents planned on adding additional staff  this next quarter.

The survey revealed that over 50% of the business owners were optimistic about the
future and were planning on adding additional staff.  More than 70% of the respondents
felt good about the current economic conditions as we enter the last half of 2011.

Check out this survey and see if you agree with survey respondents.  If you don't,
send us a note and tell us why you don't see the economic conditions the same way!

Read the full survey here. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fhww5cdab&et=1105777582266&s=404&e=0011RgswSmBBEVIWSv2r7EUzMifVCH7MKvg6JoRrlMEjID_0_hty2O-WRh4Wl6pio9cDL8CZUQ7q6C0wHi1MFmRcB_1k_uHFRmRz0JKRlOziLHmona9mO_w2gEfuxF9UOsB1Fi29Lo1H7pNadgLQKhDvg==]

Employee Engagement Improves Overall Workplace Environment
Active, engaged employees are ones that like their job, like their boss and enjoy
coming to work and performing for you.  How do you do this?  How do you have active,
engaged employees who actively represent your company all the time?
I talked with a colleague the other day who told me about an employee of a firm 
he was familiar with.  This individual was not only a $200K plus employee, he never
attended college and began his working career in a low wage labor position.  His
 boss recognized his pride and enthusiasm and started a mentorship program with 
this employee.  In very short order, this employee became one of the best employees
in the firm.  He enjoyed his work, the firm and the tasks he was assigned.  He became
a wonderful recruiter for the firm when they needed to hire new employees.
This link addresses how to achieve enhanced employee engagement.  Read it here. 

Issue 7

In This Issue

Retailers of Facebook
Leadership Key to Happy Employees
Two Key Traits to Great Hiring


Social Media-- Is It Worth It?

Last month we addressed the value of social media in your overall communication 
and marketing strategy.  We identified ways in which many large companies have successfully
used social media very effectively in sharing their corporate message.

If you have tried social media and are not happy with your results, perhaps there
is something that is "out of alignment" with your strategy.  The following article
by BNET describes how you can improve your social marketing effectiveness and strategy.

One of the key concepts addressed in this article is metrics and measurement.  If
you are not measuring your effectiveness, you don't know if you are having success.

Check out the article here. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fhww5cdab&et=1105777582266&s=404&e=0011RgswSmBBEWkO81v1Zxwf2xOVkHjGSwLn_ehq4hkr2a0jvJHOGHALsQWOGmiWYWnQXXOIzLA515BbMhof9Ae9lUBtBgX4CtCL0DSUfemO-FylYRamOu3S4_uM6zMoO_kqAvvOlIe5o4JIiHe5EkyvEir4a_QgIKtd91jo2t5kyGJxsscdRyyigI_OF7fnvRKqU3Ah24q2A-85K4tHvNSiCMaBkUhmUdSKakfovLVHAIab73CT09YNfEPROJu3YHA]

Every month  our blog has new posts on various business conditions that apply to
 your business or non profit organization!

We write about concerns that many of our clients have experienced and want help 
fixing!  Our experience is that if one client has a challenge, there is normally
 someone else that is also struggling with the same issue.

Check out our blog entires for new ideas for your business or organization.  You
 will find ideas there that will help you run your organization more effectively!

Visit our blog [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fhww5cdab&et=1105777582266&s=404&e=0011RgswSmBBEU7l9lUULCAZCwWjIts8IKnNu73h16JkqVEL8hjhgc3TkpuOtUrX-KI08_mLrVjkNZqp1RplefTBvbsOo7idY78K2bCdOvGz-211-lMxSZTuw==]

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