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R.C.M. 802 conference ICO U.S. v. Wuterich

Your Honor,

The government respectfully requests a telephonic R.C.M. 802 conference as soon as the Court is available.  

I propose that we conduct the R.C.M. 802 conference on 14 June 2011, at 1700 California time, 2000 East Coast time, and 0900 (15 June 2011) Okinawa time/ date.  The defense has indicated that they are available at the above proposed time Sir.  

Our conference line number is 760-725-8101.

The topic of the R.C.M. 802 conference will be the Stay of the proceedings issued by the CCA on 27 May 2011.  

Very respectfully submitted,
Major Gannon

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