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GySgt Hawks,

Thanks for getting back to me.  The case is US v Maj Card, who allegedly shot an unarmed civilian in the head in 2004.  In Jul 2009, while you were assigned to the Joint Prosecution and Exploitation Center, you were approached by SA Nick Carlo about the feasibility of searching Ramadi death records.  According to SA Carlo's summary of the events, you subsequently spoke with LtCol Dowaij about records maintained at the Ramadi Hospital.  He told you that on 20-21 Jul 09, detectives from IP CID searched over 400 records from 2004 but did not locate any records relevant to a deceased Iraqi male with a gunshot wound to the head.  

This pretty much summarizes your involvement in the case and will be the information I suspect defense counsel seeks to elicit from you at the Article 32.  Does this summary match up with your memory?

The hearing starts on Tuesday and will last throughout the week.  If you can let me know a good window during that timeframe we can adjust the ordering of witnesses to accommodate your schedule.  We don't have SVOIP capability in the courtroom so will have to call you DSN.  


Maj Goode

Andie C. Goode
Major, U.S. Marine Corps
Legal Services Support Team-Delta
Legal Services Support Section (LSSS)
Camp Pendleton, CA

Off: 760-725-7712
DSN: 365-7712

This communication is privileged as attorney work product and/or attorney-client communication or is protected by another privilege recognized under the law.  Do not distribute, forward, or release without the prior approval of the sender.  In addition, this communication may contain individually identifiable information the disclosure of which, to any person or agency not entitled to receive it, is or may be prohibited by the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §552a.  Improper disclosure of protected information could result in civil action or criminal prosecution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hawks Agent James C RC(SW) II MEF FWD JPEC Team Chief [mailto:james.hawks@afg.usmc.mil] 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 0:57
To: Schroeder GS-12 Brent Z
Cc: Goode Maj Andrea C; Kelly CIV Norman D RC(SW) II MEF FWD NCISRA AFG Supervisory; brian.warrelmann@navy.mil; Melo WO Edwin A RC(SW) II MEF FWD JPEC OIC; Brown MSgt Loyd B RC(SW) II MEF FWD G2 JPEC Chief

Maj Goode:


Gunny Hawks here.  Understand you need me to testify (via telephone) reference to a death and/or law of armed conflict (LOAC) investigation.  Not sure which case we?re talking about as I have been involved in a few of them.  As SA Schroeder advised below, I CAN be reached via SVOIP but there are other means by which I can contact you as well.  My SSA from CALE, Brian Warrelmann, my Staff-Noncommissioned Officer in Charge from JPEC AFG, MSgt Brown, and my Officer in Charge from JPEC AFG, WO Melo, are all on cc?.  Standing by for further information.


Very Respectfully,  


GySgt James ?J.C.? Hawks

Agent, Criminal Investigation Division, U.S. Marine Corps

Team Chief, Joint Prosecution and Exploitation Center (JPEC)

Camp Leatherneck (Yurista), Afghanistan

VoIP (DSN): (318) 357-7099 (While at Desk Only) 

VoSIP (SECRET): (308) 357-6959 (24/7)

NIPR: james.hawks@afg.usmc.mil

SIPR: james.hawks@afg.usmc.smil.mil

CENTRIX: james.hawks@afgn.centcom.isaf.cmil.mil


From: Schroeder GS-12 Brent Z 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:11 PM
To: Hawks Agent James C RC(SW) II MEF FWD JPEC Team Chief
Cc: Goode Maj Andrea C; Kelly CIV Norman D RC(SW) II MEF FWD NCISRA AFG Supervisory
Subject: Located SA James HAWKS
Importance: High



SA James Hawks has been located, and he may be contacted via VOSIP at 308 357 6959 (I CC?d him on this message).  SA Hawks is a Marine Special Agent, based at Camp Lejeune, NC.  





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