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Dear Colleague, I am writing to ask for your help with the State Bar of Michigan Member Survey. If you have already taken the survey, please accept our thanks and close this message. If you have not yet taken the survey, please help our work by completing it before this week ends. It has been more than 10 years since the State Bar of Michigan has conducted a comprehensive member survey—and we think it is important that we hear directly from you—what you think, what you need, and overall, how we can serve you better. Our Web-based survey is easy to complete and takes approximately 15 minutes. You will be asked questions about how recent trends are affecting your practice and career, which bar services you find most useful, and several questions that allow for open-ended responses for how we can serve your needs better. Results of the survey will be reported in the aggregate form only and no individual will be identified. Further, your information will not be shared with any vendors for marketing or other purposes.
Thank you for your very valuable participation. We are listening—and look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely,