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RE: Mailing Address


I recommend scanning and e-mailing advance copies of anything that will be mailed to MajGen Ary because of the post 9/11 and post anthrax delays that are part of the procedures in the pentagon mailroom.  I am the staff officer responsible to MajGen Ary for processing all professional responsibility complaints, so you could e-mail it to me or Captain Dunn (cc'd), MajGen Ary's assistant.   

MajGen Ary's mailing address is as follows:

Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (JAD)
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-3000

V/r, Porter

Lieutenant Colonel
U.S. Marine Corps
JAR Branch Head
O:  703-693-8164

-----Original Message-----
From: Baker Col John [mailto:john.baker1@usmc.mil] 
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 10:07
To: Harlow LtCol John P
Cc: 'haytham@puckettfaraj.com'
Subject: Mailing Address

Porter - I'm out of my office - can you give Haytham Gen Ary's official mailing, he just sent me an e-mail asking for it. Thx. 

Semper Fi,

Colonel John G. Baker
Chief Defense Counsel
of the Marine Corps

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