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RE: News!

Major Kaza's would be a great choice for the argument.


-----Original Message-----
From: dhsullivan@aol.com [mailto:dhsullivan@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 15:06
To: neal@puckettfaraj.com
Cc: Sripinyo, Kirk Major NAMARA, CODE 45; haytham@puckettfaraj.com; meridith.marshall@usmc.mil
Subject: News!

I got the sealed exhibit, which I'll forward shortly.  Here's the exciting news:  Mr. DeCicco told me that CAAF would probably hear oral argument in Wuterich on 30 March.  
My thought is that we should see whether we can get Maj Babu Kaza to do the oral argument.  What do people think of that thought?  If we go that route, we can explore whether we can get him associate duty orders.
Semper Fi,

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