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SAPR Brief


Just sat through the MWHS-3 SAPR Brief. One thing was hammered home, "Yes means yes."

This was also a statement made by a woman/victim of sexual assault who spoke at the SAPR walk last April. "No means no" and lack of yes means no, but "Yes means yes." This seems like a pretty good theme to use at trial. Along with the psychodrama and the rest of the facts in this case, I have every confidence in my team to overcome the sexual assault charges.

Just to make sure, NOLA trip is 9-11 Feb 11. I will be going. Haytham will you be there?

Has the judge issued any rulings? Has the TC responded to the wrongful withdrawal motion?

If the motions are denied, do we request a continuance to file a writ/interlocutory appeal to NMCCA?

And finally, how long do you expect the arguments on the motions to take?

