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Phone & Email


Per your request here are the emails and phone numbers for Haytham and Chris.

Chris Hur: Wk: 619-524-8713; Cell: 760-207-2625 (try to only call his work number); email: christian.hur@usmc.mil
Haytham Faraj: Cell: 760-521-7934; email: haytham@puckettfaraj.com

Please contact Chris first as Haytham is often very busy. Also, please Cc: me at my Gmail account on anything you send. Try to limit correspondence to them as much as possible, because I don't want to put them in a position of discussing the case with a non-client. I explicitly authorize them to discuss the case with you as they see fit, but I'm sure they would prefer to have me be the conduit for any discussion.



Douglas S. Wacker
Captain, USMC
Future Operations Officer
Wk: 858-577-6730
DSN: 267-6730
Cell: 858-401-9392

"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." ~George S. Patton 

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