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Civil Justice Foundation Membership

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Friend of the Civil Justice Foundation,

The Civil Justice Foundation would like to invite you to join our membership as an Attorney Champion member for only $100.     

All Champions Members receive the following annual benefits:

•    Bi-annual Newsletter
•    A Champion badge sticker for CJF Conventions
•    A listing on the Honor Roll of Champions, which is displayed in poster form at the CJF Breakfast of Champions,   and published twice yearly in Branching Out, the publication of the Civil Justice Foundation.

The Civil Justice Foundation is a national non-profit organization, dedicated to the preservation of consumers’ access to justice and the protection of consumers. CJF funds non-profit citizen groups that span across all aspects of the law and consumer issues, including: Vehicle and Highway Safety, Child Safety, Environmental Protection Issues, Workplace Health and Safety, Healthcare and Insurance, Gun Violence Protection, and Consumer Advocacy and Education. Since our founding in 1985 we have given small grants to Kids and Cars, Champaign County Health Care Consumers, and Consumer Education Foundation of California citizen groups working to improve health, safety and the environment.   While our grants are very modest, we give them particularly to organizations that traditional foundations are unlikely to fund because they activists focus on initiating change and on preserving citizen access to the courts.

The Civil Justice Foundation also holds an annual Breakfast of Champions every July, to honor past grant recipients and Community Champions that have gone above and beyond on behalf of consumers. Recent Years of Excellence and Champion award recipients include: The Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia, Birth Defect Research for Children INC., Consumer Watch Dog, and Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Prevention; Wendell Potter, Jamie Lee Jones, Donald Davis and Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Charles D. Swift.

So please join this team of generous attorneys all over America and help promote causes you care about.  We’ll do all the work but we need your support.  If we all join together we create a mighty force.

Please email/mail us at civiljusticefoundation@yahoo.com, 777 6th St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001 or join on our website www.civiljusticefoundation.org

Edward Chester
Executive Director

Edward L. Chester
Executive Director
Civil Justice Foundation
777 6th Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-944-2858
Fax: 866-452-5269
Email: civiljusticefoundation@yahoo.com
Reminder: The Civil Justice Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization and thus all donations are tax-deductible, as allowed by law.

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