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Hi Mark,
I know, long time no see. My daughter, Angela, got assigned here in DC at
Command and Staff College at Quantico MCB. Her husband is still in S. Korea
and has a problem which I think we need your help with.
Angela will synopisize the event for you herein:
My husband, LtCol Joshua Lechowick USAF, just returned to Korea after a 5
day trip home to Virginia to see his son and I. When he arrived at his
apartment, he called us to le us know that he arrived safely. He then went out
for a bite to eat and a drink. It was late, but Josh couldn't sleep having
traversed multiple time zones on his way back to Korea.
He was at a bar and getting ready to leave when he was approached by the
Osan AFB police. He was tired and had a few drinks by this time. The cops
arrested him and took him to jail. His Commander bailed him out of jail. The
charges against Josh are out of character and unsubstantiated.
He needs an attorney. He is waiting to hear the outcome whether or not his
charges are upheld or dismissed by the base's 3-star General Officer.
He is approximately 13 hours ahead of us.
Are you willing to help us? May I call you? My email is
angspaith@earthlink.net and my phone number is 520-237-3461.
Thank you,
Anne Spaith
REALTOR/RE/MAX Distinctive
Licensed in VA, MD, DC
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