Dear Haytham,
Wow. People are really stepping up: in less than a week, more than 4,000 individuals took the pledge to stand with workers in the fight against wage theft.
Three days to double your impact on the fight against wage theft!
and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar!
PLUS, be one of the first 15 people to give a gift of $25 or more today and we will send you a
Stop Wage Theft poster.
In the last seven days individuals like you also helped us raise $4,786 to support the campaign to end this multi-billion dollar crime against workers, their families and communities. Thanks to people like you, we are almost halfway to our goal of raising $10,000 by Thursday.
Your support allows us to provide technical assistance and training to workers' centers that are at the forefront of the fight against wage theft, and produce educational materials and resources like the Toolkit on Wage Theft and the Anti-Wage Theft video. By supporting this campaign, you are taking a stand and letting unscrupulous employers know that we will not take this crime lightly!
I've said it many times, but I will say it again: wage theft is a national crisis and a moral scandal. Indeed, under the leadership of Secretary Hilda Solis, the U.S. Department of Labor has taken several critical steps in the right direction in the fight against wage theft. But there remain only a thousand Wage and Hour investigators to protect 135 million workers across the country.That simply won't get the job done. As vital as its role is, the Department of Labor can't educate and protect 135 million workers all by itself. It needs partners. It needs all of us!
I invite you to support the campaign to end wage theft and join us for the National Day of Action this Thursday, November 18. Groups across the country have organized prayer vigils, rallies and visits to employers known to steal from their workers. (Click HERE to find an event in your area.)
Together, we can put a decisive end to this moral outrage. I look forward to working with you.
P.S. If you haven't already, I urge you to join the thousands who have pledged to help stop wage theft -- sign the PLEDGE today.
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Interfaith Worker Justice | 1020 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. | Chicago, IL 60660 | ph (773) 728-8400