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Wylde - Page 56 - witness list


Just called and missed you, so I'm emailing.

I've attached the witness list. You were cutting in and out the last time we talked, but I thought that I heard you say that we are not listing Dr. Matteucci, correct? That being the case, I haven't included him. I also thought that I heard you say that Mr. Wylde would be a witness. Since we lost the motion to compel him, I'm assuming he's paying his own way? 

I have only Mr. and Mrs. Wylde listed as witnesses, plus government witnesses. I've used your name in the signature block, since I assume you want to send the witness together with the other page 56 matters. Please let me know if I'm missing anything. I'll be leaving the office to visit a guy in the brig, but I'll be back by 1600. You can hit me at my office phone (858-577-1838) or on my cell (919-451-5675)


Attachment: Wylde - pg 56 - witness list.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature