Get Connected Oct. 12, 2010 |
The American Arab Chamber of Commerce celebrates its
18th Annual Building Economic Bridges Banquet
Leading Michigan's Future
Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available,
Contact the Chamber at 313-945-1700
Keynote Speakers: ![bernero]()
Who Will Lead
Michigan's Future?
Rick Snyder Virg Bernero
Friday October 22
5:30 P.M. Reception, 6:30 p.m. Dinner
The Henry hotel (Formerly the Ritz) In Dearborn
![Charles Khalil]() ![Dr. Basha]()
Building Economic
Bridges Award
Presented to:
Charles kalil Dr. Yahya Basha
Dow Chemical Basha Diagnostics
For tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities,
Contact the Chamber at 313-945-1700,
or at
North America's Premier 2010 International Trade Conference
Capitalizing on America's Export Advantages: Green & Innovation
Capitalizing on America's Export Advantages: Green & Innovation
Marriott Renaissance, Detroit, Michigan, USA and Caesars Windsor Hotel & Casino, Ontario, Canada October 24-27, 2010
The annual International DEC Conference will be hosted for the first time in Detroit at the Renaissance Center Marriott from October 24 to 27, 2010 and also at the Windsor Hotel & Casino in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. This year's Conference is entitled "Capitalizing on America's Export Advantages: Green and Innovation" and features world-renowned business leaders, high-level government officials, and speakers from leading think tanks and academic institutions. This is North America's largest conference in 2010 devoted to exporting and is expected to attract in excess of 500 attendees. The conference features many unique aspects including a private briefing by the Canada Border Services Agency and a networking dinner with Canadian businesses in Canada.
Two Countries, One Conference
- Extensive networking opportunities
- Largest expected attendance at any export conference in 2010
- Extremely high level keynote speakers & panelists
- Wide ranging, pertinent, value- added, fresh topics
- Free counseling by a team of international trade specialists
- Exhibits from service providers to the export industry
- Unique, private field trips (closed to the public during our visit)
- Live entertainment
- Great conference pricing
- Affordable, upscale accommodation
- Practical Advice To Move Your Organization Forward
- Learn About Global Trends Before Others
Early registration for the full conference: $495 (by Sept. 30, 2010); $550 General. Single day tickets available. Easy online registration and conference details: LinkedIn Site for the Conference. Join by going to the link below: LinkedIn Group for DEC Conference Updates: For inquiries, please e-mail: or call 248-975-9600