To whom it may concern, Is there a specific Judge Advocate IG? This matter deals significantly with ethical rules and specific rules of professional responsibility. V/R, S/F Capt Wacker Douglas S. Wacker Captain, USMC Future Operations Officer MWHS-3, 3D MAW Wk: 858-577-7906 DSN: 267-7906 Cell: 858-401-9392 "Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." ~George S. Patton -----Original Message----- From: NAVIG Hotlines [] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:47 To: Wacker Capt Douglas S Subject: RE: NAVAL IG HOTLINE COMPLAINT This is in response to your e-mails of September 29, 2010 to the Office of the Naval Inspector General in which you made multiple allegations against Marine Corps personnel. We have reviewed the information you provided and determined that because your complaint involves Marine Corps personnel, it would be inappropriate for our office to pursue this matter; therefore, we have forwarded your complaint to the Deputy Inspector General for Marine Corps Matters for their review and action as they may deem appropriate. It is requested that you direct any further inquiries or concerns to: Commandant of the Marine Corps (IG) Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps FOB#2 Navy Annex Washington DC 20380-1775 You may also contact that office by dialing (703) 614-1348, DSN 224-1348, or toll free (866) 243-3887. V/r Navy Hotline Investigations Division, Office of the Naval Inspector General
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