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RE: Wuterich Office


Just spoke to Sgt Trujillo's OIC.  She is cleared hot.  I just need to make sure it gets entered into MOL as PTAD so that I can give her a fitness report due to the fact that it is a 30 day period of time and it is, after all, her MOS.

I have it for action.

Glad you are all settled in.  Sorry I have to go to Parris Island this week, but I guess it's better this week than any closer to trial.


-----Original Message-----
From: Neal Puckett [mailto:neal@puckettfaraj.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 14:49
To: Faraj Haytham; Marshall Maj Meridith L; Trujillo Radar; Mark Zaid S.
Cc: Wuterich Frank
Subject: Wuterich Office

Wuterich Defense Office now located directly across the passageway from Haytham's former office. 
Just spent an hour cleaning all horizontal surfaces including the deck. Now fit for human habitation. 
Radar and I will finish moving files in this week. 

Neal A. Puckett
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC

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