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RE: Pre-Trial Confinement SSgt Nicolas Vega


Captain Boyer is requesting a re-hearing for Pre-TP Vega at your convenience Sir. 


QM2(SW) Johnson, Carrin, Michael
Victim Witness Program Coordinator
Sex Off. Notficiation Coordinator
Parole and Release Dept
Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar
46141 Miramar Way
San Diego, CA 92145
PH: (858) 577-7067 
FX: (858) 577-7143
DSN: 267-7067

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyer Capt John F [mailto:john.boyer@usmc.mil] 
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 17:51
To: Johnson, Carrin QM2 NCBM
Cc: haytham@puckettfaraj.com; Torresala Capt John W; Logan Capt Gavin K; Houtz Maj Pete D
Subject: Pre-Trial Confinement SSgt Nicolas Vega

Petty Officer Johnson,

On behalf of SSgt Vega, and per RCM 305, we are asking for an IRO rehearing to be scheduled sometime this week at a time convenient to the hearing officer and all of the parties.  I'm available all day Thursday and Friday.

Thank you,

Capt John Boyer

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