On July 9, 2010 at approximately 10:10 am at Judiciary Square, 555 4th Street N.W. Washington, D.C, 4th Floor, a Second Meeting was held with AUSA Eileen Cherubim, requesting information promised regarding DAVILA ALLEDGED involvement in FALSIFYING OPM reports. Haytham response to AUSA was there any possibility of a downward consideration of current proposed - 5 months incarceration, $79,000. Dollars? AUSA response absolutely” NO”. After a few comment Haytham suggested Davila pick a few items from a REBUTTAL matrix HAYTHAM-DAVILA prepared and informed the AUSA and 2 OPM agents who was present, One of the agents a female was a standing replacing the case agent whose last name Olanzo. I now agree with the old saying “A lot could be learn from a Dummy” maybe I should not have spoken” water on the bridge. Despite Davila attempt to have a civil discourse with the AUSA and the OPM agents, the AUSA continuously responded at every opportunity as if Davila was one a Liar, a Crook and should be happy he has not been indicted as yet. For the first time it is apparent that OPM have white binders containing Photo copies of PIPS report next to Recovery agents (None Criminal Investigators, equivalent to bank reposestors) one page reports. NO NOTES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED BY DAVILA WERE MADE AVAILABLE NOR SHOWN, ON NUMEROUS OCCASION DAVILA REFFERRED TO BUSINESS CARDS AND NOTES TURNED IN WTH HIS PIPS REPORTS NOT PRESENT BUT IGNORDED BY ALL. Information reveal to the AUSA and OPM at the meeting: IN EVERY INSTANCE ALLEGATIONS MADE BY AUSA THAT DAVILA MAY HAVE MADE BRIEF CONTACTS, BUT DID NOT FOLLOW THROUGH , OR DID NOT MAKE ANY CONTACT, OR SPOKE TO MANY PEOPLE ABOUT THE SUBJECT THAT WAS ABLE TO FILL IN THE BLANK OR JUST MADE IT UP. 1. McCain: Source “Calvin Miller” HAYTHAM - DAVILA provided 2 telephone dates, times SOURCE Calvin Miller contacted Davila to discuss this case, (Note Miller provided substantive information the SUBJECT was demoted which was reported by DAVILA. AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report- Just because of telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, and source states he did not say “ what DAVILA say…. 2. O’Connell - Source “James Maribel” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided 2 telephone dates, time DAVILA calling the SOURCE and the Return call from SOURCE, Address of the source, prior mapping conducted by Delorme Mapping address show SOURCE resided at this address. AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, and source could not be located. 3. BOZEK - Source “ Reza EFEKARI” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided information SUBJECT assisted with Davila speaking to this SOURCE a neighbor AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report - Just because Davila states he made contacts that does not means an interview was conducted, and recovery agents reports does not says “ what DAV say…. There is a question whether this SOURCE is a Female of Male or even EXISTS. 4. Barkley - Source “ Bill & Betsy Miller” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided 2 telephone dates SOURCE spoke with Davila for 15 minutes, dates, time. AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, source sates he did not speak you, and source states he did not say “ what DAVILA say….example you said have social - dinner social say he does not. 5. Hawkins - Sources “ James Ross” and Barbara Meinecke” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided 2 telephone dates SOURCE (James ROSS) 2 dates of cell phone conversation, request for length of conversation, dates, time provided. As Davila viewed the PIPS shown by the AUSA he recollected this source worked at the White house to earn additional income but the Dunn Loring employment was the principle location employed by America’s Pride when State Department had visiting VIP’s at this location. SUBJECT also was EMPLOYED at a 3rd Location MITRE COORPORATION, 7515 Colshire Dr, Mc Lean, VA 22102. “ what you say….and Provided copy of pips revealing SUBJECT EMPLOYMENT with American Pride at two location of one at 7904 LUDLOW LANE, DUNN LORING, VA 22072, and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC, further source was not familiar with SUBJECT employments. AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, SOURCE states he is not familiar with SUBJECT does not recall speak with Davila. When subject is working at the White house her supervisor is DUTY OFFICER‐ DEBBIE OWENS‐ 202‐345‐8619, 703‐284‐1949, James ROSS is Owens BOSS this was not reveal to the AUSA HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided 4 telephone dates, time SOURCE (Barbara Mienecke) Communicated with Davila via VOICE and FAX in order to obtain employment information. AUSA Responded & referred to Recovery Agent report - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, SOURCE states she does not recall not speak with you, and RECORD does not states what Davila submitted 6. Stringer - Source “ Dennis Garber” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided telephone dates, time SOURCE, telephoned Davila informed that a Building log is required to be signed, advanced appointment 1 to 2 weeks prior to visiting this SOURCE AUSA Responded - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, and source was not in the assigned position claim by Davila at that time, Source or Records states he did not say “ what DAVILA say ….Date of Security expiration does not match company files with PIPS report. 7. Self - Source “Bill Mahoney” HAYTHAM - DAVILA Provided 1 telephone VOICE MESSAGE where SOURCE William (Bill) Mahoney is calling Davila regarding the interview of SELF. AUSA Responded - Just because telephone contacts does not means an interview was conducted, and source states he did not say “ what you say…. After playing this voice message Haytham stated it appears we are not getting anywhere, why not let’s quit, Haytham ask AUSA is the offer still on the table, her response “yes”, can you send it me some time next late week. And the meeting is adjourned. Finally, with all due respect it appears that after receiving any offer from this AUSA the Proffer that you were preparing may just be the right time to respond to the AUSA Plea Offer. Haytham, I would like to thank you for help putting up this fight for my Right, Life and Integrity. MMAG00595_0000[1] Ramon Caribbean Research LLC PO Box 842 Frederiksted, VI 00841-0842 703-879-5960 Virginia Number 340-643-2629 24 Hrs (703)-935-0336 FAX info@caribresearch.com davila.51@gmail.com Confidential: This communication contains confidential and/or privileged information and is intended only for the person or entity named. 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