I will be unable to attend in person or via conference call due to Dr.'s appt. "Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it nothing is possible. With it nothing is
impossible." Mary McLoed Bethune
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:21:33 -0400 From: CSHARLOW@mail.michbar.org To: tomrombach@aol.com; pmoconn@attglobal.net; mgordnerlaw@bellnet.ca; john@bouffordlaw.com; rriggs@co.genesee.mi.us; ahammoud@co.wayne.mi.us; apovila@co.wayne.mi.us; jpowell1@co.wayne.mi.us; mckneeld@cooley.edu; smiths@courts.mi.gov; dgrano@floodlawcenter.com; livesayj48@gmail.com; kdrr@hotmail.com; dhoort@ioniacounty.org; esjulien@julienlaw.com; gretchen.schlaff@macombcountymi.gov; heathj@michigan.gov; haytham@puckettfaraj.com; jmckay@shiawassee.net; miattorney@tds.net; hlopllc@yahoo.com; johnajarema@yahoo.com CC: ELYON@mail.michbar.org Subject: Criminal Jurisprudence & Practice Committee - June 25th Committee Members:
An agenda will be sent out early next week.
If you are unable to attend in person, you may join the meeting by conference call. The call in number is 1-800-270-1153 and the pass code is 134891#.
Please indicate your attendance by replying to my email by Monday, June 21st. Thank you. Carrie Sharlow
Administrative Assistant
Governmental Relations
State Bar of Michigan
Michael Franck Building
306 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517/346-6317 Fax: 517/482-6248
Email: csharlow@mail.michbar.org +-----------------------------------------------+ Consider the environment before printing. E-mail / Fax Notice: The transmitted material is intended only for the use of the addressee. It may contain confidential, proprietary and / or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please be aware that any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, in whole or in part, is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail reply or by phone (800-968-1442), delete the communication and destroy any copies. E-mail Warning: This e-mail was swept for computer viruses. However, we cannot guarantee that the integrity of this e-mail has been maintained in transmission and do not accept responsibility for the consequences of any virus contamination. +------------------mail.michbar.org------------------+ The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy. |