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Secretaries Dislike Female Bosses; Scalia's Glad Kagan's Not a Judge; Partner Offices Shrink; Robert Morgenthau, 'America's DA' - ABA Journal Weekly
ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter
Our Top Ten Stories of the Week
Note: Do you know sole practitioners who are innovating <http://www.legalrebels.com/about> in their corners of the profession? If so, the ABA Journal wants to hear from you. Nominations for the 2010 Legal Rebels project <http://www.legalrebels.com/nominate> are open.
Women in the Law
Law Prof Surveys Legal Secretaries, Chronicles Layoffs, Conflicts with Female Lawyers
May 26, 2010 5:30 am CDT
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Supreme Court Nominations
Scalia Says He's Glad Kagan Isn't a Judge
May 27, 2010 6:26 am CDT
Plus: Elena Kagan Was Upset by Her B-Minus in Torts : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/elena_kagan_was_upset_by_her_b-minus_in_torts
Law Firms
'Cavernous' Partner Offices Left Behind in Law Firm Moves
May 26, 2010 6:00 am CDT
Plus: Changing Spaces: Law Firms (Slowly) Respond to Egalitarian Trends in Office Design http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/changing_spaces
A Sense of Entitlement Can Cost You a Job at Jones Day
May 24, 2010 8:36 am CDT
Law Partner's Success Secret: 'Having a Plan and Being Very Dedicated to That Plan' : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/law_partners_success_secret_having_a_plan_and_being_very_dedicated_to_that_
NY Lawyer Now Plays With Legos for a Living : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/new_york_lawyer_now_plays_with_legos_for_a_living
How Sweet It Isn't: 'Grub for Gluttons' is Law Student's Recipe for Success : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/how_sweet_it_isnt_grub_for_gluttons_is_law_grads_recipe_for_success
Labor & Employment
George Mason, Law Dean Win Bench Dismissal of Rotunda Sex-Harass Suit
May 24, 2010 1:39 pm CDT
Plus: Ex-Hooters Waitress Files Suit Claiming Weight Discrimination : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/ex-hooters_waitress_files_suit_claiming_weight_discrimination
Solos/Small Firms
Solo Advises New Law Grads Not to Hang Out Their Own Shingle
May 26, 2010 9:54 am CDT
Plus: Inspired by 'Legal Rebel,' Solo Opens Chicago Legal Cafe : http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/inspired_by_legal_rebel_solo_opens_chicago_legal_cafe
Law Firms
New Global Firm--SNR Denton--Would Combine Sonnenschein and Denton Wilde
May 26, 2010 10:20 am CDT
Business of Law
Why Law Firms Are Like Hotels: 'Rack Rates' Are Negotiable, Real Rates Vary by Client
May 26, 2010 8:08 am CDT
Legal Ethics
Ex-Partner Charged in Alleged $2M Theft from Law Firm & Clients
May 26, 2010 4:16 pm CDT
Body of Missing Irell & Manella Partner Is Found
May 27, 2010 7:17 am CDT
Question of the Week
How Will You Spend Memorial Day?
Many people observe Memorial Day by enjoying the long weekend, often among the warmest yet on the heels of spring and leading into the summer months.
Maybe they'll take in a parade or party. Others will raise a glass or lay a flower down in memory of a loved one.
So here's what we want to know ...
How will you spend Memorial Day? Will it be a day to recognize those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country? Is it just another day off, kicking off the vacation-heavy summer season? Or, in these tough economic times, will you spend the day working and take less time off this summer than you normally would?
Answer in the comments.
Read answers to last week's question: How Many Hours Have You Worked in the Past 7 Days?
Featured answer:
Posted by patentlawyer: "Once I get through rush hour (not the one in the car, but the one that occurs before I ever get out of the house with trying to get four kids up, fed and dressed with copious amounts of yelling, pleading, screaming ....), navigate the construction that is occurring on every possible route to my office, I typically spend about 45-50 hours physically in the office M-F, and most Sundays for at least 6-8 hours. After work, there is more yelling, pleading and often bribery to get the four kids through dinner, baths, pjs and bed. Saturdays are family days, and we typically spend them in the mini-van running from T-ball to gymnastics to soccer, etc., which is why I need to spend Sunday in the office to recover (it's so peaceful then)."
In The Magazine