Thank you
I will have it faxed to you today.
Haytham Faraj
Sent from my iPhone
Mr. Faraj:
Since we have not yet received your appearance, would you please have it e-mailed or faxed to Ms. Damico's attention. Our fax number is 248-901-4040.
Thank you for your assistance.
Janet Behrik
Legal Secretary to
Jennifer G. Damico and Megan McKnight
38505 Woodward Ave., Suite 2000 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
T: (248) 901-4050 • F: (248) 901-4040 •
Miss Damico:
Thank you for your response. I filed my notice last week. You should get your copy this week. If you do not receive it by Friday, please let me know. I
can resend or fax a copy.
Thank you
Haytham Faraj
From: Damico, Jennifer []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:10 AM
To: 'Haytham Faraj'
Cc: Behrik, Janet; 'Jackie O Adams'
Subject: RE: Goodfellas v. Macy
Dear Mr. Faraj,
The Court ordered a stay of proceedings pending Plaintiffs' retention of new counsel. As such, there is no date set for the hearing. I will re-file the motion
now and set a date for the hearing 28 days after filing. I will check with the Court for its availability. Please note that the Court Order requires that new counsel file an appearance by April 26, 2010.
Thank you,
Jennifer Damico
From: Haytham Faraj []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:03 AM
To: Damico, Jennifer
Subject: Goodfellas v. Macy
Hi Miss Damico:
I have substituted Mr. Hall as counsel for Goodfellas. I am in receipt of your motion for summary disposition. We are preparing a response and expect to have to it to you in a few days. Do you have some dates that you are available to
conduct this hearing. I am in trial next week and the week after that. I am however, available the 2nd week of May.
Best regards,
Haytham Faraj, Esq.
888.970.0005 Toll Free
202.280.1039 Fax
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