Featured Discount: Hero-Sized Saving, Military Style The holidays are less than 90 days away. Military.com has put together some of the biggest money-saving deals on the web -- all in one place and only for our members, this nation's heroes. Start shopping and saving now....More
Video: Shock To The System - Taser Demonstration
Ever wonder what a taser feels like? Check out this Kit Up! Original Video from the Modern Day Marine Expo 2010 at Quantico....More
Servicemembers Save With ASMBA The Armed Services Mutual Benefit Association, established in 1963, provides comprehensive, affordable life insurance coverage to military personnel and their families. For example, you can get an extra $100,000 worth of coverage for only $19 a month....More
Auto Center: Save Money by Doing it Yourself Auto repair isn't as difficult as most people believe it to be.Military.com has teamed with Autozone® to bring you easy to follow tutorials and money saving tips. You'll be a gearhead before you know it.....More
Featured Job: Overseas Jobs Center Search great job opportunities for veterans with top companies worldwide. Find career advice and tips for living and working overseas....More
Military.com Celebrates 10 Years of Service Military.com is celebrating its tenth anniversary by saluting the military community. Visit our 10-Year Anniversary Page to see some of our most popular content over the last decade....More
VA Loan FAQs Answered Buying a home can be pretty confusing, especially if you're trying to purchase with a VA Home Loan. Military.com, in partnership with Direct VA Loans from iFreedom Direct®, has a new VA Home Buying video series to help you cut through the clutter and the process....More
MoH Recipient David McNerney Dies at 79 David H. McNerney, a Medal of Honor recipient whose Vietnam War heroics later became the subject of a documentary, died after a battle with lung cancer....More
DoD Braces For Release of 400K Secret Reports The Pentagon scoured through an Iraq war database to prepare for potential fallout from an expected release by WikiLeaks of some 400,000 secret military reports....More
VFW's PAC Refuses to Pull Endorsements Endorsements from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Political Action Committee have so enraged many VFW members that its leaders have asked the PAC to immediately rescind all endorsements. The PAC's leaders flatly refused....More
Lying About Service Could Cost Pols $10K While the Supreme Court ponders the possible implications of the Stolen Valor Act, a state lawmaker from South Carolina thinks he's found a better solution for dealing with military fakers: Make them pay....More
95-Year-Old Gets Medal for WWII Rescue The U.S. government has recognized the World War II architect of a mission to rescue more than 500 U.S. bomber fliers shot down over Nazi-occupied Serbia -- the largest air rescue of Americans behind enemy lines in any war....More
Man Accused of Vet Scam Indicted A grand jury in Cleveland has charged the director of a Florida-based charity that purported to raise money for U.S. Navy veterans with corruption and theft charges....More
Excerpt: Gen. Hugh Shelton's 'Without Hesitation' At some point, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz started pushing hard to attack Iraq. In their minds, this disaster could be turned around into an ideal opportunity to end the problems we were having with Saddam -- just blame 9/11 on him....More
Vet Runs 4,425 Miles to Honor Fallen An Army veteran who pounded the pavement from coast to coast to honor the nation's fallen troops finished his grueling journey in rain and high winds in Maine....More