Hello Everyone, I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was great. I attended the Lebanese American Heritage Club Scholarship Dinner Friday, the Arab American Pharmacist association Annual Dinner Saturday, and the Northern Lebanese American Clubs Mother?s Day Dinner Sunday. During each event I spoke to attending guests regarding our upcoming Computer Center Event. I have to give special thanks to the NLA Club members, specifically but not limited to Shukri Kazbour, Ali Mustafa, Abdul-Ghani Mekkaoui, Mike Mouhajer, Samer Chalak, Nasser Halwani, Fawaz Naja, Mariam Morad Elzain, Walid Mourad, Ummo George Saad. They exceeded their promise of promoting our event last night. I look forward to a continuing relations with your Club. We will discuss this in more detail tonight.
With that being said please let this email serve as a reminder for tonight?s meeting at 6:00pm at the LIBC office. If you have any question please email or call me 313.414.8188. Happy Monday. See you tonight! Reima Abouarabi From: Reima Abouarabi [mailto:reima@libcusa.com] Hello Everyone, Due to multiple requests the next Computer Center meeting date will be Monday May 9th instead of Tuesday May 10th. The meeting time is still scheduled for 6:00pm. I apologize for any inconvenience. I will send another email reminder Monday morning. Thank you in advance. To all guests attending the Mother?s day Event I will see you Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend otherwise. Best Reima Abouarabi From: Reima Abouarabi [mailto:reima@libcusa.com] Dear Members and Friends, We had wonderful meeting last night. All objectives are being met. Thanks to all of you things are progressing in a timely manner. We are defiantly on track. We officially begin our two week countdown starting today. That gives us 14 days to tie up all loose ends. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00pm at the LIBC office. Please save the date. Dr. Ned will be back from his trip and will also be joining us. Below are notes from last night?s meeting. I kindly ask that everyone with a task assigned to them please come prepared next week to present. We need to finalize details so may send out all material (program book/tent cards) to printing. If you know of any additional sponsors that you feel would support the Computer Center, please email me the individuals or business name and we will contact them if you prefer not to do it yourself. Attached is the Computer Center synopsis, sponsorship information letter and sponsorship application form. If you have any questions or need any further assistance please email or call me directly 313.414.8188. Also, keep in mind that all sponsors in addition to their recognition during the event will also a personal plaque as well as group plaque with their names that will be indefinitely be hung in the Computer Center (however long that is J inshallah years and years). Thank you all for your continued support. Our work is defiantly something to be proud of. Keep up the good work and like always SELL SELL SELL!!! Lebanese International Business Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 6:00-7:00pm Ticket Inventory 330 tickets confirmed. Nina will update this number Monday next week. Many tickets are still pending. Current Program M.C. Haytham Faraj Nancy (Synopsis) Testimonial Presentation George (North Lebanon) H.E. Houssam Diab Dr. Ned (LIBC) Dinner Potential Sponsors/Advertizing/Promotion Northern Lebanese American Club -NLA is invited LIBC to make an announcement at their Mother?s Day Event on Sunday May 5th during their program - NLA is promoting the event on the front page of their site. -Will include the Computer Center ad in the Mother?s Day Program - Walid Mourad has written a very nice article in his paper the Voice of Freedom announcing the event (Many thanks again for your kind donation Walid) LIBC members attending the dinner (2 tables): Ummo George will fill one table 2nd table- Reima, Reima?s mom, Hiba, Chady, Ghina, Majed, Majed?s son, Sam, Sam?s wife. WE STILL HAVE ONE SEAT AVAILABLE ON OUR TABLE. PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING. Tickets are still available for $25.00 including dinner, entertainment, clown, prizes, and much more! Potential Sponsors to approach before next meeting. -Abul Rahman Hallab Sweets in Beirut- Dr. Ned -Ghafari Associates, LLC Mr. Yousif B. Ghafari- Joseph Mourani -Dr. Samer Salka, MD- Cardiology- Majed Rizk -Shaker Aoun- Majed Rizk -Shatila- Majed Rizk -Dr. Monkara- Hiba Yazbeck -Dr. Yasser Hammoud- Geroge Saad -Ahmed Dablis- Shukri and Ali -Jummana Kayrouz- Sameh Media Advertizing -Sameh donated 45 second commercials advertisements on Radio Baladi for the next two weeks (Thanks Sameh) Contact Assad- Shukri Ossama Siblani- Reima I would also greatly appreciate it if each of you would share my Computer Center Events page with your friends on facebook Program Book/Tent Card We will discuss next meeting after we get responses from target sponsors Décor and Entertainment Budget 500 Décor 500 Entertainments Ummo George speak to Ali Barada Reima present décor concept Hiba present current budget with new figures Next meeting is: Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00pm Thanks a million! Have a wonderful weekend. See you all next week! Best regards, Reima Abouarabi Reima AbouArabi Lebanese International Business Council (LIBC)- USA Executive Director Tel: 313-908-1723 Fax: 313-451-8652 Direct Number: 313-414-8188 |