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Fwd: Petition for Extraordinary Relief ICO US v. Wuterich

Neal & Haytham,
I'm just now getting back on the Net.  I assume you've seen this by now, but just in case, here's the petition as filed.
Semper Fi,

From: kirk.sripinyo@navy.mil
CC: DHSULLIVAN@aol.com, Dwight.Sullivan@pentagon.af.mil
Sent: 10/25/2010 9:39:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Petition for Extraordinary Relief ICO US v. Wuterich

  Please find attached a petition for extraordinary relief in the subject case.

Respectfully Submitted,
Major Kirk Sripinyo, USMC
Appellate Defense Counsel
Code 45, NAMARA
Commercial:  202-685-7093
DSN: 325-7093
Fax: 202-685-7426

Attachment: PetitionforExtraordinaryReliefICOUnitedStatesv.Wuterich.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature