Published by the Drug Enforcement Administration
Office of Forensic Sciences Washington, D.C. 20537
The U. S. Attorney General
has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in
the transaction of the public business required by the Department of Justice.
Information, instructions, and disclaimers are published in the January
![Photo 1 - Packages are about 2x3 inches.]() |
Photo 1 - Packages are about 2x3 inches. |
The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) - Chicago
Laboratory (Illinois) recently received five small, resealable,
bright foil packets containing dull olive-colored
plant material(s), labelled as ?Spice Gold,? ?Spice Silver,? ?Spice Diamond,? ?Genie,? and ?Yucatan Fire? incense
(see Photo 1, right, and Photos 2 - 3, next page), all
reputedly laced with various synthetic cannabinoids or
synthetic cannabinoid mimicking compounds, notably ?HU-210? [(6aR,10aR)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-3-(2-methyloctan-2-yl)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol); see Figure 1, next page]. The exhibits were
selected from a shipment containing approximately 1,500
such packets that were detained by a CBP agricultural
specialist at an express parcel service hub in Wilmington,
Ohio. The items were not smuggled but were rather part of
a formal entry. Standard marijuana analyses (microscopy)
of the materials were negative. Analysis of extracts by GC/MS in the scan mode with split injection indicated only the presence of a large amount of
vitamin E and other, smaller amounts of various natural products. However, when the extracts
were derivatized with N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide and injected splitless with selected ion
monitoring, HU-210 was found in very small but verifiable amounts in every packet (not
quantitated). The results were confirmed against a standard. These were the first such
submissions to the laboratory.
![]() |
![]() |
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
![Photo 1 - Packages are about 2x3 inches.]() |
Photo 1 - Packages are about 2x3 inches. |
[Additional Laboratory and Editor?s Notes: In addition to the above-named products, there are
at least two other such herbal products: ?Skunk,? and ?Sence.? These products are currently
being encountered nationwide. They, and the synthetic cannabinoids and cannabinoid mimic
compounds they contain, are also the subjects of widespread discussion and speculation on the
Internet. Based on anecdotal reports, HU-210 is hundreds of times more potent than THC; thus,
the trace amounts detected in the above case are physiologically active, and these materials may
be viewed as ?stealth marijuana.? The reference standard of HU-210 used in this case was
purchased from Cayman Chemical of Ann Arbor, Michigan. The ions selected for the analysis
were m/z 446 (100%), 530 (molecular ion), 447, 474, and 356. Note that HU-210 is named in
several different ways; for example: (6aR,10aR)-3-(1,1'-dimethylheptyl)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydro-1-hydroxy-6,6-dimethyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-9-methanol. HU-210 is controlled (Schedule I)
in the U.S. (See: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drugs_concern/spice/spice_hu210.htm),
and products containing it and similar cannabinoids are controlled within the U.S. and in a
number of other countries, including Austria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and
Switzerland. In addition to HU-210, there are at least half a dozen other compounds with similar
structures, plus several unrelated compounds that
have cannabinoid mimicking effects (notably JWH-
018 (1-pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole)), that are
being used to adulterate the plant materials in ?Spice? and similar products. An article presenting
mass spectral data and background information on
these compounds was recently published on line
(not yet published in hard copy); see: Auwarter V,
Dresen S, Weinmann W, Muller M, Putz M,
Ferreiros N. ?Spice? and other herbal blends:
Harmless incense or cannabinoid designer drugs?
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2009.]
* * * * *
![Photo 4]() |
Photo 4 |
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation - Central
Regional Crime Laboratory (Macon) recently
received one square of tie-dyed blotter paper,
suspected LSD (see Photo 4). The exhibit was
seized in Warner Robins (approximately 25
miles south of Macon) by personnel from the
Houston County Sheriff?s Office, pursuant to
a domestic dispute call. Analysis of extracts
by GC/MS and HPLC, however, indicated not
LSD but rather a 2 : 1 mixture of 4-chloro-2,5-
dimethoxyamphetamine (DOC) and
4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine (DOB)
(not quantitated but a moderate loading based
on the TIC). The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has previously seen blotter acid mimics that
contained either DOC or DOB, but this is the first submission that contained a mixture of both
* * * * *
![Photo 5]() |
Photo 5 |
The DuPage County Crime Laboratory
(Wheaton, Illinois) recently received one
partial and five whole white, round tablets,
14 millimeters in diameter, with a ?LEMMON 714? logo on one face and
single-scored on the opposite face, apparent
Quaaludes (see Photo 5). The exhibits were
seized by a local agency investigating a drug
overdose (details sensitive). Analysis of
methanol and chloroform extracts of one
tablet (mass 0.88 gram) by GC/MS,
however, indicated not methaqualone but
rather diazepam (not quantitated, but a high
loading based on the TIC). This was the first ever submission of Quaalude mimic tablets to the
[Editor?s Note: An overview of similar diazepam-containing ?LEMMON 714? Quaalude mimic
tablets was presented in a recent issue; see: Microgram Bulletin 2007:40(1):5-6.]
* * * * *
![Photo 6]() |
![Photo 7]() |
Photo 6 |
Photo 7 |
The Lake County Crime Laboratory (Painesville, Ohio)
recently received a submission of eight round, blue tablets
imprinted with a logo of two females back-to-back and four
round, purple-speckled tablets imprinted with a logo of an
automobile (see Photos 6 and 7), and a separate submission
of another one of the blue tablets, all suspected Ecstasy. The
first set of tablets were acquired in Lake County
(approximately 40 miles east of Cleveland) by an unnamed
police department (no further details). The single tablet was
also seized in Lake County, but by a different police
department (also unnamed), incidental to a traffic stop. Both
sets of tablets were approximately 8 millimeters in diameter
and 4 millimeters thick. Analysis of the blue tablets
(approximately 300 milligrams each) by color testing,
GC/MS, and FTIR, however, indicated not MDMA but
rather diphenhydramine. Analysis of the purple-speckled
tablets (approximately 365 milligrams each) by the same
techniques indicated a 3 : 1 mixture of diphenhydramine and
caffeine. In both cases, the loading of the diphenhydramine
was fairly high (not formally quantitated). These are the
first submissions of Ecstasy mimic tablets containing only diphenhydramine or a
diphenhydramine/caffeine mixture to the laboratory.
* * * * *
The Canton-Stark County Crime Laboratory (Canton, Ohio) recently received two round tablets,
one small and green and the other typically sized and blue, alleged ?Triple Ecstasy? (purportedly
an unusually potent form of Ecstasy; no photos). The exhibits were acquired in Alliance, Ohio
(east of Canton) by an Alliance Police Department Special Investigative Unit (no further details).
The green tablet was approximately 5 millimeters in diameter and 5 millimeters thick, weighed
170 milligrams, and had a 5-point star logo. The blue tablet was approximately 8 millimeters in
diameter and 5 millimeters thick, weighed 270 milligrams, and had a deeply cut triangle logo.
Analysis of both tablets by color testing (Marquis - negative), FTIR, and GC/MS, however,
indicated not MDMA but rather a 3 : 2 mixture of 1-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazine (mCPP) and
caffeine (not quantitated but a high loading based on the TIC). This is the first submission of
Ecstasy mimic tablets containing mCPP, and also the first submission of a small Ecstasy mimic
tablet, to the laboratory.
* * * * *
![Photo 8]() |
![Photo 9]() |
Photo 8 |
Photo 9 |
The DEA Western Laboratory (San
Francisco, California) recently
received two round biconvex tablets,
9 millimeters in diameter, with ?OC? imprinted on one face and ?80? on
the opposite face, apparent
OxyContin (see Photos 8 and 9).
The exhibit was acquired in Seattle,
Washington by personnel from the
DEA Seattle Field Division (no further details). The tablets had a green coating over a
compressed, light brown powder (actual OxyContin tablets have a lighter green coating
compressed white powder). Analysis of the tablets (total net mass 0.56 grams) by GC/MS,
GC/FID, FTIR/ATR, and 1H-NMR, however, indicated not oxycodone but rather a mixture
heroin (11.6 milligrams/tablet), caffeine (not quantitated), and lactose. This is the first known
submission of OxyContin mimic tablets containing heroin to the Western Laboratory.
* * * * *
![Photo 10]() |
Photo 10 |
The DEA Mid-Atlantic Laboratory
(Largo, Maryland) recently received one
plastic bag containing a total of 236 round
blue tablets imprinted with a fly logo on
one face and an indiscernible logo on the
opposite face (possibly a bear or a
buffalo), and 262 round blue tablets
imprinted on one face only with the
indiscernible (bear/buffalo) logo, both
approximately 8.5 millimeters in
diameter, suspected Ecstasy (see Photo
10). The exhibits were acquired in
Stafford, Virginia by personnel from the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,
and Explosives. Analysis of the double
imprint tablets (total net mass 77.8 grams)
by GC/FID, GC/MS, and LC indicated 49.7 milligrams/tablet MDMA, 14.1 milligrams/tablet
methamphetamine, and caffeine (not quantitated). Analysis of the single imprint tablets (total
net mass 84.7 grams) by the same techniques indicated 46.9 milligrams/tablet MDMA, 12.6 milligrams/tablet methamphetamine, and caffeine (again not quantitated). These were the first
submissions of Ecstasy combination tablets with these logos, and also the first submission of
Ecstasy combination tablets with logos on both faces, to the Mid-Atlantic Laboratory.
* * * * *
The DEA North Central Laboratory (Chicago, Illinois) recently received two submissions, each
containing five oblong packages of yellow, crystalline materials, suspected methamphetamine
(no photos). The first set was seized by DEA Chicago Field Division personnel from an
impounded vehicle in Hammond, Indiana, while the second set was seized by DEA Chicago
Field Division personnel pursuant to a warrant search in Chicago (no further details). All ten
packages were successively wrapped in layers of clear plastic, baby wipes, and black electrical
tape. Analysis of the crystalline material (total net mass 4.3 kilograms) by GC/FID, GC/MS, and
IR indicated 95 - 99 % methamphetamine hydrochloride. Additional analysis following
derivatization with N-trifluoroacetyl-L-prolyl chloride by GC/FID and GC/MS, however,
indicated not d-methamphetamine but rather l-methamphetamine (isomer purity not determined,
but high). The North Central Laboratory has received several submissions of
l-methamphetamine; however, these are the first large submissions of l-methamphetamine in
recent years.
* * * * *
The DEA Special Testing and Research Laboratory (Dulles, Virginia) recently received two
separate submissions containing a combined total of 9,382 round tablets of four different colors,
all biconvex and imprinted with a Captagon-like logo on one face and a single score on the
reverse side, apparent Captagon (fenethylline; no photos). The exhibits were seized in Al Anbar
Province, Iraq by U.S. Department of Defense personnel (no further details). The first exhibit
contained 4,860 white tablets (8.1 x 3.4 millimeters, total net mass 871 grams), all contained in
a package illustrated with an ad for a Toyota SUV and containing a small packet of silica beads
(as a desiccant). Analysis by color testing (Marquis, silver nitrate, and barium chloride),
GC/FID, GC/MS, FTIR, NMR, and CE, however, indicated not fenethylline but rather d,l-amphetamine (20 milligrams/tablet), caffeine (39 milligrams/tablet), theophylline (14
milligrams/tablet), acetaminophen (11 milligrams/tablet), and lactose. The second exhibit
contained 3 different color tablets, all contained in a package illustrated with an ad for a
Mercedes-Benz SUV and again containing a small packet of silica beads. The first sub-exhibit
contained 980 off-white tablets (8.2 x 3.1 millimeters, total net mass 160 grams). Analysis
(same techniques) indicated d,l-amphetamine (7 milligrams/tablet), caffeine (65 milligrams/tablet), theophylline (8 milligrams/tablet), acetaminophen (9 milligrams/tablet), and
lactose. The second sub-exhibit contained 2,655 tan tablets (8.3 x 3.7 millimeters, total net
mass 469 grams). Analysis (same techniques) indicated d,l-amphetamine (10 milligrams/tablet),
caffeine (30 milligrams/tablet), theophylline (39 milligrams/tablet), acetaminophen (21
milligrams/tablet), diphenhydramine (2.1 milligrams/tablet), quinine (2.1 milligrams/tablet), and
lactose. The third sub-exhibit contained 887 dark brown tablets (8.3 x 3.4 millimeters, total net
mass 156 grams). Analysis (same techniques) indicated d,l-amphetamine (10 milligrams/tablet),
caffeine (30 milligrams/tablet), theophylline (38 milligrams/tablet), acetaminophen (21
milligrams/tablet), diphenhydramine (2.1 milligrams/tablet), quinine (2.1 milligrams/tablet), and
lactose. In each case, the amphetamine was calculated as the sulfate, while the diphenhydramine
and quinine were calculated as the hydrochlorides. All exhibits also contained varying amounts
of N-formylamphetamine (not quantitated), probably present as a contaminant from a poorly
executed Leuckart synthesis of amphetamine. The Special Testing and Research Laboratory has
previously received Captagon mimic and counterfeit tablets, but none with these compositions.
[Editor?s Notes: Fenethylline is a controlled substance in the U.S. (Schedule I). It is a CNS
* * * * *
[The Selected References section is a compilation of recent publications of presumed interest to forensic
chemists. Unless otherwise stated, all listed citations are published in English. Abbreviated mailing
address information duplicates that provided by the abstracting service. Patents and Proceedings are
reported only by their Chemical Abstracts citation number.]
1. Boudreau DK, Casale JF. An in-depth study of the Peruvian Base Llavada (?Washed Base?)
technique for purification of crude cocaine base. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):72-81.
[Editor?s Notes: Presents an in-depth study of the title technique, which is being used as a
substitute method for the traditional potassium permanganate process. The fate of several
alkaloid impurities is tracked. Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement
Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624 Dulles Summit Court, Dulles,
VA 20166.]
2. Casale JF, Corbeil EM, Hays PA. Identification of levamisole impurities found in illicit
cocaine exhibits. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):82-89. [Editor?s Notes:
6-Phenyl-2,3-dihydroimidazo[2,1b]thiazole and 3-(2-mercaptoethyl)-5-phenylimidazolidine-
2-one, known levamisole degradation products, were identified in a ?crack? cocaine exhibit.
Spectroscopic and chromatographic data are provided. Contact: U.S. Department of Justice,
Drug Enforcement Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624 Dulles
Summit Court, Dulles, VA 20166.]
3. Casale JF, Orlando PM, Colley VL, Hays PA. Identification of diltiazem impurities / artifacts
during the analyses of illicit cocaine exhibits containing diltiazem. Microgram Journal
2008;6(3-4):90-103. [Editor?s Notes: Desacetyldiltiazem and an uncharacterized artifactual
compound with an apparent mass of 354 Daltons have been observed in the GC profiles of
cocaine exhibits containing diltiazem. The use of methanol as an injection solvent for samples
containing sodium bicarbonate causes the formation of these compounds in the injection port.
Spectroscopic and chromatographic data are provided for diltiazem, desacetyldiltiazem, and
2,3-dehydrodesacetyldiltiazem. Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement
Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624 Dulles Summit Court, Dulles,
VA 20166.]
4. Corbeil EM, Casale JF. Determination of cocaine in various South American commercial
coca products. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):109-113. [Editor?s Notes: Cocaine content is
provided for several coca products, including coca tea, medicinal tonics and rubs, and alcoholic
liquors. The cocaine was separated from the complex matrices utilizing trap column
chromatography. GC/MS/SIM was used for identification and quantitation. The cocaine in these
products ranged from 0.00 - 0.65 µg/mg. Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, Drug
Enforcement Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624 Dulles Summit
Court, Dulles, VA 20166.]
5. Daundkar BB, Malve MK, Krishnamurthy R. A specific chromogenic reagent for detection of
diazepam among other benzodiazepines from biological and nonbiological samples after
HPTLC. Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC 2008;21(4):249-250. [Editor's
Notes: Focus is on biological matrices, but also included diazepam standard and
diazepam-containing tablets. Developed plates were sprayed with 5% NaOH followed by 1%
meta-dinitrobenzene in DMSO. Violet bands were obtained for diazepam; other benzodiazepines
(e.g., oxazepam, nitrazepan, lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and flurazepam) did not react. The
LOD is approximately 5 mµg. Contact: Home Dept., State of Maharashtra, Forensic Science
Laboratories, Mumbai 400098, India.]
6. Gerlits J. An Excel based molecular weight calculator. Journal of the Clandestine Laboratory
Investigating Chemists Association 2009;19(1):2-3. [Editor's Notes: Presents the title program.
JCLICA is a law enforcement restricted journal. Contact: Utah Bureau of Forensic Services,
Southern Utah Crime Laboratory, SUU Technology Bldg 109, 351 W Center St, Cedar City, Utah
7. Jones LM, Boudreau DK, Casale JF. ?Crack? cocaine: A study of stability over time and
temperature. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):114-127. [Editor?s Notes: Changes in the
appearance, weights, purity levels, and alkaloidal profiles of 146 laboratory-prepared ?crack? cocaine exhibits stored under different temperatures and packaging types, were studied over a one
year period. An accelerated aging study (elevated temperature, one month) was also performed
with 2 ?crack? cocaine exhibits, to simulate very long-term or higher temperature storage. The
results are presented and discussed. Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement
Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624 Dulles Summit Court, Dulles,
VA 20166.]
8. McGehee MC. Etodolac: An analytical profile. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):104-108.
[Editor?s Notes: Etodolac (Lodine) has been identified in various submissions of illicit heroin.
Analytical data, including GC, IR, Raman, MS, and 1H-NMR, are presented. Contact: U.S.
Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Northeast Laboratory, 99 10th Avenue,
Suite 721, New York, NY 10011.]
9. Moore JM, Casale JF. The discoloration of illicit drug samples. Microgram Journal 2008;6(3-4):128-145. [Editor?s Notes: Presents an in-depth study of the browning of cocaine samples over
time. The discolored samples were all found to contain a primary aromatic amine (either
procaine or benzocaine), a sugar (either lactose or dextrose), and an acid (such as cocaine
hydrochloride, boric acid, benzoic acid, etc.) The rate of discoloration of the drug mixtures was
both pH and temperature dependant, i.e., the rate of sample browning increased with lower pH
and/or higher temperature. All discolored samples that contained procaine or benzocaine also
contained N-formylprocaine or N-formylbenzocaine, respectively, and these are therefore bona
fide ?marker? compounds for the browning of illicit cocaine. Contact: U.S. Department of
Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Special Testing and Research Laboratory, 22624
Dulles Summit Court, Dulles, VA 20166.]
10. Ogata J, Kikura-Hanajiri R, Yoshimatsu K, Kiuchi F, Goda Y. Detection method for the ability
of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seed germination by the use of 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium
chloride (TTC). Yakugaku Zasshi 2008;128(11):1707-1711. [Editor?s Notes: A rapid
detection method to assess the ability of Cannabis seeds to germinate is presented. The
respiratory enzymes in viable seeds convert colorless 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride into
red 1,3,5-triphenylformazan (dead seeds remain colorless). Under optimum conditions, the
viability of seeds could be determined within 20 minutes. Contact: National Institute of Health
Sciences, 1-18-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 158-8501.]
11. Pearson JR, Reid EF, Rowe JE. The preparation of (-butyrolactone from readily available
starting materials. Journal of the Clandestine Laboratory Investigating Chemists Association
2009;19(1):8-13. [Editor's Notes: Details withheld in accordance with Microgram policy.
JCLICA is a law enforcement restricted journal. Contact: Victoria Police Forensic Services
Centre, 31 Forensic Drive, Macleod, Victoria 3085, Australia.]
12. Person EC, Sunderson NS. Liquid - liquid extraction of phenylephrine. Journal of the
Clandestine Laboratory Investigating Chemists Association 2009;19(1):4-7. [Editor's Notes:
Presents techniques for more efficient extraction of phenylephrine (the compound substituted for
pseudoephedrine in many cold and allergy medications). JCLICA is a law enforcement restricted
journal. Contact: California State University - Fresno, 2555 E. San Ramon Ave. SB70, Fresno,
CA 93740.]
13. Sarwar M, Taylor S, Majeed I. A specific screening color test for diazepam. Microgram
Journal 2008;6(3-4):63-71. [Editor?s Notes: Presents a new, highly specific color test for the
screening/presumptive identification of diazepam. Treatment of diazepam with alkaline DMSO
produces a reddish color which gradually changes to yellow with passage of time. The LODs
were 20 µg for diazepam extracted from tablets, and 2 µg for diazepam standard. Contact:
Cuyahoga County Coroner?s Office, 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106.]
14. Sato C, Furube A, Katoh R, Nonaka H, Inoue H. Non-destructive and discriminating
identification of illegal drugs by transient absorption spectroscopy in the visible and
near-IR wavelength range. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2008;47(11):8583-8589.
[Editor?s Notes: Presents the title study. Listed drugs (in the abstract) included MDMA and
MBDB, both analyzed as solutions in acetonitrile. Contact: Research Institute of Instrumentation
Frontier, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan 305-8565.]
15. da Silva MJ, dos Anjos EV, Honorato RS, Pimentel MF, Paim APS. Spectrophotometric
cocaine determination in a biphasic medium employing flow-batch sequential injection
analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta 2008;629(1-2):98-103. [Editor?s Notes: The method uses
cobalt thiocyanate as a complexing reagent. In the reaction, two phases are formed; the superior
(pink) contains an excess of cobalt thiocyanate solution, while the lower layer (blue) contains the
cocaine - cobalt thiocyanate complex. An optic fiber sensor records the absorbance at 630 nm.
The detection and quantification limits were 29.4 mg L-1 and 98 mg L-1, respectively.
Throughput was 12 samples per hour. The method offers a low-tech alternative to GC/FID and
GC/MS for routine quantitation of cocaine. Contact: Departamento de Quimica Fundamental,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50740-550 Recife, PE, Brazil.]
16. Talaty N, Mulligan CC, Justes DR, Jackson AU, Noll RJ, Cooks RG. Fabric analysis by
ambient mass spectrometry for explosives and drugs. Analyst 2008;133(11):1532-1540.
[Editor's Notes: DESI-MS was applied to a variety of fabrics. Drugs listed in the abstract were
heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. LODs are in the picogram range. Analyses were
performed without sample prep, and were carried out in the presence of common interfering
chemicals and contaminants. Throughput is high. Contact: Department of Chemistry, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.]
Additional References of Possible Interest:
1. Andreasen MF, Telving R, Birkler RID, Schumacher B, Johannsen M. A fatal poisoning
involving Bromo-Dragonfly. Forensic Science International 2009;183(1-3):91-96. [Editor?s
Notes: Presents the title case. Contact: Section for Toxicology and Drug Analysis, Institute of
Forensic Medicine, University of Aarhus, Brendstrupgaardsvej 100, Aarhus N DK-8200, Den.]
2. Bowen AM, Sparenga SB. Light microscopy in the chemistry laboratory. American
Laboratory 2008;40(8):9-11. [Editor?s Notes: A review. Contact: Stoney Forensic, Inc.,
Chicago, IL 60616.]
3. Jestice AL. Method and apparatus for detecting and classifying explosives and controlled
substances. (Patent) Chemical Abstracts 2009:150:49384h.
4. Macias MS, Harper RJ, Furton KG. A comparison of real versus simulated contraband VOCs
for reliable detector dog training utilizing SPME-GC-MS. American Laboratory
2008;40(1):16-19. [Editor's Notes: A dissipation study of the five major components of
marijuana revealed that alpha- and beta- pinene dissipated at an exponential rate, limonene and
myrcene at an almost linear rate, and beta-caryophyllene at very little over the course of 30
minutes. There was poor alert response when testing mixtures of these five components.
Contact: International Forensic Research Institute, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199.]
5. Xu L, Basheer C, Lee HK. Chemical reactions in liquid-phase microextraction. Journal of
Chromatography, A 2009;1216(4):701-707. [Editor?s Notes: A review of the title technique.
Contact: Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3,
Singapore 117543, Singapore.]
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