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RE: QR Review o fCSSS application

Tom –

As you can see from the attached screenshot of the documents we sent in the CVE with our original application for recertification in March 2011 my resume was attached as were all payroll files.  I have been in every payroll since the company was founded in July 1997.  The fact that your team didn’t see me is obviously an error on their part. The fact that they didn’t see my resume which was included is also an obvious error on their part.   In addition, the only other issue with our application was my ownership of a passive real estate investment firm.  Passive, meaning no activity is required on my part other than writing checks once a month, a five minute activity.  This real estate is managed separately by someone else that I employ for that purpose. 

I am 100% owner of CSSS.NET and there is no board, voting trusts, etc.  I am accountable to myself and my employees and my customers but report to no one.  I have complete control and management of the entire concern. 

It is unreasonable to have to wait another 90 days for CVE to correct their errors.  This process has been incredibly onerous for my firm as well as financially damaging to have lost our certification means we have lost millions of dollars in business this fiscal year as a result of CVE’s errors.   Our first denial in August you admitted was a substantive error on the part of CVE and this one is as well.  I have attached a copy of the most recent denial for your ease in understanding the applicable issues.   In addition,  75% of my employees are veterans so this impacts veteran employment in a very real way.  Some of the firms you are trying to verify are startup businesses and have no revenue to date and so the impact to them is not as great as it is to an already successful concern such as mine.  I need this expedited ASAP as this has been going on for my firm for over 9 months now, which is beyond any reasonable timeframe. 


Sincerely -


Lisa N. Wolford


President & CEO


202-639-5101 DC Office

402-393-8059 ext 145


From: Leney, Tom (SES) [mailto:Tom.Leney@va.gov]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 5:10 AM
To: Wolford Lisa
Subject: QR Review o fCSSS application


Lisa;  I promised to call you last night but did not have results of Quality Review Assessment that  directed yet.  We do a QR Assessment if there is reason to believe that we have made an error.  Staff is in a full court press to determine and will report results.

Attachment: Attachment 1 (Screenshot of Submitted Documents)..msg.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: _20111024_18100707.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature