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FW: CSSS Potential Revenue CVE VIP 011012.xlsx

I cannot recall if I forwarded this to you yesterday.  Please incorporate this information into the pleading.  I did not get an opportunity to review your work yesterday.  We finished late and I was exhausted.  I will endeavor to review it today.  Thank you for your excellent work.


From: Wolford Lisa [mailto:lisa@csss.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:37 PM
To: haytham@puckettfaraj.com
Subject: FW: CSSS Potential Revenue CVE VIP 011012.xlsx


Haytham -

This is a listing of opportunities that we did not win/are not eligible to bid as a result of being removed from the CVE database.  Let me know if this is detailed enough for you.  I can explain some more if you need, just call later after you are done with court today if you have time.  I am really looking forward to getting back in the database or having you skinning them alive. 


Thanks much -


Lisa N. Wolford




SDVOB, 8(a)/SDB & WOB - TS clearances


From: Merriman Joel
Sent: Tue 01/10/2012 2:39 PM
To: Wolford Lisa
Subject: FW: CSSS Potential Revenue CVE VIP 011012.xlsx

Lisa, Joy checked with some other folks (Jim N., Teri, Rob who checked with Steve S.) and worked with Keith Anstine to put together the attached. To be clear these were pursuits that do not necessarily equate to losses due solely to SDVOSB, but would require SDVOSB validation for award.  In  at least one instance the government did not award stating lack of listing on the CVE VIP website for CSSS.  In a separate instance, one prime (SAIC), cut our share by 50% or roughly $6.4M instead of $12.8M.  Please contact Joy for further info as the attached removed internal notes.  Thank you. -Joel


From: Thiele Joy
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 2:31 PM
To: Merriman Joel (jmerriman@csss.net)
Subject: CSSS Potential Revenue CVE VIP 011012.xlsx




Here you go.





Attachment: CSSS Potential Revenue CVE VIP 011012.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet