It was a pleasure to speak with you earlier today. I've heard lots of good things about you but never had the opportunity to meet you. I've met Mr. Faraj on previous occasions while I was serving as a trial counsel at MCAS Miramar from 2007-2009. He was representing some wrongfully accused folks down there.
Attached to this email is a letter explaining the book project, a brochure describing the Semper Fi Fund, a copy of the manuscript for the book, and some sample illustrations. The title of the book is "A Marine's Tail: Chesty Goes to Boot Camp."
While I do not wish to rush you to make a decision on this request, our book is headed to the printer in 3 weeks and I would hate for it to get printed without us being able to properly thank you on our donor page in the back of the book if you choose to contribute. I look forward to talking with you soon.
In any event, I wish you the best in your pursuit for justice.
Very Respectfully,
Brandon W. Barnett
Captain, U.S. Marine Corps
Judge Advocate Division
HQMC - Pentagon
(703) 693-8673 Sent in my personal capacity