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RE: Visitation

I will take up your request with his lawyer


From: Souad Chehadeh [mailto:agaoutlet@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 10:55 PM
To: haytham@puckettfaraj.com
Subject: Fw: Visitation


good evening hytham



I didnt want to bother you with this over the weekend . but pls  discuss this with Renee on wednesday.

I thought i was clear with Mark about the schedule and about contacting me . I don't wish to deal with him anymore.

 he is here at least once a month. i know that for a fact. that is part of his job requirement. the plant is here somewhere

in michigan and his visits are usually no less then 5 days. so he should be able to coordinate his visitation schedule with his work schedule.

he will be here on the 15th yet he is choosing to have them on a school night . they have homework and they should be in

bed by 8:30. so the proposed schedule is not acceptable.  last year the court forced me to give him the kids 3 days during the week , after school

till 8:30  .his dad never did homework with him.  Lore was behind in his class i had to have a tutor for him all summer and stil just so he can catch up.

the kids been through hell because of this jerk. and after the court gave him all the visitation days he requested , he decided he dosent have time for them

anymore. you can't imagine the emotional distress he put the kids through especially Lore my oldest.


I want you to propose the following to Renee please:  


1. he can have them every other weekend .  prefferebly saturdays. pick up my house. no police station.

2. or  one weekend a month.  if he wants them  for sleep over i can't stop him but  we need a real address

( i don't think he still living in the same address). and at least one phone call a day  and no gf during their visits.


the flexibility with the schedule has done the kids more harm .   he needs to stick to the schedule there is no guessing nor cancelling.

unless he is dying of course. nshallah soon .    

and please Hytham be carefull with that crazy lawyer of his. shes as much of a liar as her client.  and trust that everything i tell you regarding this

case is the truth only.


ps: my phone still not working. but u can text me or email me .


thank you








 ----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mark Piekny <mgp2001@yahoo.com>
To: Sue Chehadeh <agaoutlet@yahoo.com>
Cc: Renee Coulter <coulterlaw@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 4:10 PM
Subject: Visitation



I will be in the Detroit area.   I am proposing to have the kids during these times.  Please confirm and copy my attorney.


Mon 10/17  4 PM to 8 PM

Sat 10/22    9 AM to 8 PM


I will pick up and drop off at your door in Dearborn.


Thank you.


~ Mark