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RE: Off Topic: Don Quixote

Thank you for sharing.  It is  thought provoking.


From: Jules Cherie [mailto:julescherie@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 10:43 AM
To: alumni@triallawyerscollege.com; ranch@duboistrialbar.org
Subject: Off Topic: Don Quixote


The following three lines of dialogue are from the film "The Next Three Days" by Paul Haggis. I found it thought provoking.


John Brennan: So, the life in times of Don Quixote, what is it about? 

Female College Student: That someone's belief in virtue is more important than virtue itself? 

John Brennan: Yes... that's in the there. But what is it about? Could it be how rational thought destroys your soul? Could it be about the triumph of irrationality and the power that is in that? You know, we spend a lot of time trying to organize the world. We build clocks and calendars and we try to predict the weather. But what part of our life is truly under our control? What if we choose to exist purely in our reality of our own making? Does that render us insane? And if it does, isn't that better than a life of despair? 


Jules Cherie