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RE: Maj Card has read through the Discovery

Your summary is right on point but I've never received a case file prepared
by the NCIS where I thought "oh gosh, they think he's innocent and these
fine men are developing that evidence.  NCIS had these Marines, in some
instances, in rooms for over 8 hours until they signed on statements that
NCIS prepared or wrote out what NCIS told them to write. This case will
change your entire perspective on the Military Justice system.  You will
never, when you become a commander again, look at a charge sheet the same
way as you used to do before this case.  

Yes.  I am concerned but let my level of concern inform yours.  On a scale
of 1 to 10 I'm currently at a 4.  I have been down this road with NCIS and
their investigations.  You will see how these statements become something
completely different when we go through the Article 32.  Starting next week
we will begin to do our own interviews.  We will dig into the NCIS agents
motivations and bias.  With respect to some of you comments about Mattis and
Dunford, when you get to Mattis' interview you'll have a better idea of what
Mattis thought.  The offer to leave the unit is not uncommon.  Men exposed
to constant attack may break down.  The move was for that reason and not to
move them away from you.  No commander would keep an officer in place whom
he had lost confidence in and especially not Mattis.

Read the statements.  Make notes.  Capture your ideas.  This is a long road
but you'll eventually have an opportunity to have your story come out.  I'll
be available today from 1:30 - 2:00 and after 6 my time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted [mailto:ted.card@cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:27 AM
To: Haytham Faraj
Subject: Maj Card has read through the Discovery

Haytham - 
It's a bit after midnight, here in California...
"oh, my gosh..." is all I can think of to say...
I've just read through (skimmed a lot of it, because it was so repetitious)
the Discovery CD-ROM, which Capt Jim Baehr[sp?] provided to me, approx. 1630
this afternoon.

This appears to be very, very damning evidence (statements)...  
Haytham, if I were some other "Infantry Marine Corps Major," and I did not
know anything about Ted Card, and I had been tasked to read through this
material, then here's what I would believe --
    -I would think this Card-guy shot an incapacitated, wounded Iraqi male
in the head with a 9mm pistol, from point-blank range.
    -I would believe some members of his Jump CP saw this happen, and some
of the Marines did not (likely, because they did not have a good vantage
    -I would believe this Card-guy to be some sort of animal, whose disdain
for the UCMJ, the Law of War, and common decency was so virulent, that he
routinely acted with brazen impunity
    -I would further believe that this Card-guy had been strenuously advised
against traveling on Ramadi's 'Race Track' (North of Rt. Michigan) - a Black
Route - by those junior officers garrisoned within the Combat Outpost.
    -I would believe that this Card-guy had been summarily fired from his
duties, following this attack, and sent elsewhere because; his conduct was
an embarrassment to the Division.
    -I would believe that General Mattis likely knew of something nefarious
stirring within his Jump CP; and, that he offered Marines the opportunity to
escape the unit (e.g., escape the incompetence of this Card-guy)
    -I would believe that General Mattis, thinks very little of this
    -I would believe that General Dunford was/is indifferent to the whole
matter; and, that he only hesitantly assigned this Card-guy to run the Jump
    -I would believe select members of the Jump CP may have been drugged,
following this incident, so their memories would be effectively repressed

Haytham, the concepts illustrated within the bullets above are what that
evidence explains...

Haytham, considering all of the above...  I've got to tell you, I'm a bit
tense now...  
I'm not scared, not suicidal, and not too paranoid.
But, I cannot see how this will not end-up at Courts Martial.
Then, I'm considering how much more agony my Mom & Dad are going to have to
I foresee being plagued with lifelong indebtedness, my family being
humiliated and, if I'm not convicted then certainly I'll be dismissed from
the Officer ranks...
I may be getting a bit worked-up, at this late hour... but, the NCIS seems
to have done a surprisingly thorough job, asking Marines very-leading
questions, and painting me as one of the most despicable officers to ever
wear a uniform (similar to Second Lieutenant William Calley, in Vietnam).

Haytham, when you see this in the morning... please tell me something.

Thanks, Ted

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