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RE: Documents and thanks.


It was a pleasure meeting you.  Can you make a 10 a.m. meeting at our office?  It is in the same building as Theisman’s, 1800 Diagonal road, suite 210.  It’s accessed from the court yard about 30 yards from the entrance to the restaurant. 


I will send you some documents ahead of time for you to review. 





From: Will Donaldson [mailto:will@donaldson.net]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 8:26 PM
To: Puckett Neal
Cc: haytham@puckettfaraj.com; jerry.ray@hardcorpsinc.com
Subject: Documents and thanks.




Was great meeting today.  Thank you for your time.


I've attached the documents we discussed and look forward to meeting again next week.


Few admin notes:


My patent can be seen on USPTO website - US7,818,214. 


HCI (Hard Corps, Inc.) is owned by:


Will Donaldson (Majority)

Robert Tansill - investor

Roy Moffett - investor

John Tansill - made the deal

William Hearon - general counsel


And Linear Five (to which the patent is wholly assigned) is a holding company we established to divest HCI of the new company - I am not trying to seed HCI.  Linear 5 is wholly owned there are no other participants on it. 


Thanks again, it was refreshing to actually talk to Marines - almost made me forgot that you were lawyers.


Semper Fi,

