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RE: FORAC: Aleverfalli Client/ATtorney Priviledge release to EAA

I already told them to call him directly and gave them the phone number.  If he calls again please tell him to call me and give him my number. 




From: Marcy Atwood [mailto:marcy@puckettfaraj.com]
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 2:12 PM
To: Faraj Haytham
Subject: FORAC: Aleverfalli Client/ATtorney Priviledge release to EAA


H, I have again fielded another phone call from Mr. Ernie Fraiser regarding Aleverfalli's car.  He will continue to call everyday until you give him permission to talk to your client directly.  He works for EAA (Engineering Analysis Associates in MI) and they are contracted by Toyota to inspect the car.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something, sign this letter or call your client and tell her to call Ernie, write another letter to Toyota to drop the case, or SOMETHING.  I don't want to continue to make excuses for the Firm. 


PS.  Sorry, I'm a little frustrated here.  M


Mr. Ernie Fraiser



Attached Ltr giving him your permission to contact your client directly.  NEEDS HER CONTACT INFO as i don't have that.