Write back that you have removed that copyrighted material
without admission of wrong but as a show of good faith based on her
representations and that you will refrain from further use of the 5 principles.
From: Raed Haidar
[mailto:rahaidar@gmail.com] Hi Haytham, ---------- Forwarded message
---------- From:
Sherwin, Loni [mailto:sherwin.loni@arentfox.com]
Dear Sir or Madam, We represent Mars, Incorporated in intellectual
property matters. Attached please find correspondence regarding Master
Sales, LLC's infringement of our client's intellectual property. A copy
of this letter is also being sent via certified mail. Sincerely,
Loni J. Sherwin Attorney Arent Fox LLP | Attorneys at Law 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-5339 202.715.8581 DIRECT | 202.857.6395 FAX CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail
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