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RE: Draft 3

Let me read it and I’ll get back to you.  It’ll probably be late morning or early afternoon.


From: Carolynn Beck [mailto:carolynn.beck@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:46 PM
To: Haytham Faraj
Subject: Fwd: Draft 3


Hi Haytham,


Here is the draft again. Please let me know if the file opens up ok for you this time. Should I give you a call tomorrow morning or will you call me after you have had a chance to look it over?



Carolynn Beck

Begin forwarded message:

From: Carolynn Beck <carolynn.beck@gmail.com>
Date: March 31, 2010 12:30:01 PM EDT
To: Haytham Faraj <haytham@puckettfaraj.com>
Subject: Draft 3


Here's a revised draft. I made the 106 argument the way I understood it from our discussion, and moved it under the Business Records section. I also made some other adjustments to the headings/formatting. Please let me know what you think. Also, when I took a look at my calendar I realized you might be traveling today - please get back to me at your convenience, and have a safe trip back home!
