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Fwd: Need your advice on a potential teaming partner for DMDC bid

Look at these capabilities for Fors Marsh -- use their words.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sameena Salvucci <SSalvucci@mathematica-mpr.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: Need your advice on a potential teaming partner for DMDC bid
To: "JANICE H. LAURENCE" <jhl457@temple.edu>
Cc: Daniel Kasprzyk <DKasprzyk@mathematica-mpr.com>, Sonya Vartivarian <SVartivarian@mathematica-mpr.com>

Hi Janice,


I have attached the capabilities of a small business that we have recently been introduced to.  They have asked to join our DMDC team. 


An e-mail from them today stated:


During our discussion, there was brief mention of the upcoming DMDC Survey/Program Evaluation Division procurement(s).  FMG has not spent any time or resources pursuing these in the past as the perceived chances of unseating SRA/Westat for HRSAP or DRC for the survey work were quite low.  Over the past week, we have had a few conversations which lead us to believe that recent changes to the acquisition environment at DMDC have opened the door at least enough to make it possible that there will be a fair competition.  I don’t think our experience is rich enough to win as a prime, so we’d love to speak with you further about supporting Mathematica in pursuit of this opportunity as we should be able to provide significant value to the team in terms of pursuit strategy, proposal development, and ultimately delivery.


We were wondering if you had ever run across this company and if so what your perception of them was.  And/or do you know any of their key staff (most are I/O psychologists) and if so what is your assessment of their relevant skills.


Finally, knowing who we have on the team (Lewin, LMI, and SAG) do you think it would be valuable to add them to the team?  To help you assess this I have also attached a couple of tables that we have put together internally (the first table lists projects that we have selected for each of our current teaming partners to demonstrate relevant corporate experience and the second is a list of subject matter topics that we listed to show the staff expertise on the team (includes our consultants like you).


If there is any way you could give me this assessment today or tomorrow I would greatly appreciate it.  Or if it is easier to call and talk to you about it tell me if anytime this afternoon or from 3:30 onwards tomorrow works for you.







Janice H. Laurence, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Adult & Organizational Development
College of Education
Temple University
(215) 204-8079

Attachment: Fors Marsh Group for Mathematica (January 2010).docx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 9494 Corporate Capabilities table.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

Attachment: 9494.Topics Table.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet