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sat AM

N, up. It's 0530. Going to go ride a bike in the gym, then back upstairs to my room. Have to be down for breakfast at 0700 with the WMA gals. But wearing comfy shoes today for the museum tour. Dinner last night was ok, two AF generals spoke, one (a flight nurse) not so good, the other ok... Sarah has me pinned, can't really talk to anyone else. She is 89 years old by the way. I'm going to get to her son today I hope and if not, I'll email. But I want him to call me to clean out her papers from the basement -- all the WMA and WASP stuff. I'll just have to talk the time off to see that.

Dinner was from 1730 2200 so missed the debate. Saw some chat after on Fox, CNN, MSN -- too many opinions on who won, no clear victor.

I'm going to the gym, have phone, you can call.  LUL, X