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RE: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico

Title: Re: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico
thanks everyone!


Dolly C. Shaffner, Special Projects Admin. Asst
Virginia State Bar
707 East Main Street, Suite 1500 | Richmond, Virginia 23219-2800
(804) 775-0518 | Fax (804) 775-0501
www.vsb.org  | shaffner@vsb.org

The Virginia State Bar is a state agency that protects the public by educating and assisting lawyers to practice ethically and competently, and by disciplining those who violate the Supreme Court's Rules of Professional Conduct, all at no cost to Virginia taxpayers.



From: Davis, Ned
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 5:05 PM
To: 'Norwood, Cynthia'
Cc: 'Neal Puckett'; Shaffner, Dolly
Subject: RE: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico



Thank you Cindy.


Since I will be there for the full program, I can do my part at any hour, 9, 10, or 11 a.m., so feel free to ask LTC (Ret.) Wheeler if he has a preference.


Since he has given this presentation in the past, I would think that he already has an outline.  To get CLE credit, the outline must contain references.


If you could, ask him to shoot his outline and resume to me and I can get the CLE accreditation process started.



Edward L. Davis, Bar Counsel
Virginia State Bar
707 East Main Street, Suite 1500 | Richmond, Virginia 23219-2800
(804) 775-0566 | Fax (804) 775-0597
www.vsb.org | davis@vsb.org

The Virginia State Bar is a state agency that protects the public by educating and assisting lawyers to practice ethically and competently, and by disciplining those who violate the Supreme Court's Rules of Professional Conduct, all at no cost to Virginia taxpayers.


-----Original Message-----
Norwood, Cynthia [mailto:CNorwood@oag.state.va.us]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 4:39 PM
Davis, Ned; neal@puckettfaraj.com; andrea.brotherton@navy.mil; christopher.m.dunne@uscg.mil; spratjack@embarqmail.com; prevostr@ndu.edu; cka@infionline.net; garymbowman3@cox.net; mark@thematthewslawgroup.com; dena.winder@navy.mil; plprince@aol.com; matthew.smith2@us.army.mil
Shaffner, Dolly
Subject: RE: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico




LTC (ret.) Courtney Wheeler has agreed to give a one-hour block of instruction on USERRA on Friday, May 14.  Please let me know the exact time and location relating to this and what he needs to provide.  If there is anything else I need to tell him, please let me know.  Should he assume no knowledge?






Cynthia H. Norwood
Senior Assistant Attorney General
Financial Law and Government Support
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Telephone:  804-225-4541
Facsimile:  804-786-1904
E-mail:  cnorwood@oag.state.va.us

PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION : This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of the sender.  The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed.  Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited.  The sender takes no responsibility for any unauthorized reliance on this message.  If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and purge the message you received without forwarding it to anyone.

From: Davis, Ned [mailto:Davis@vsb.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 3:21 PM
To: Norwood, Cynthia; neal@puckettfaraj.com; andrea.brotherton@navy.mil; christopher.m.dunne@uscg.mil; spratjack@embarqmail.com; prevostr@ndu.edu; cka@infionline.net; garymbowman3@cox.net; mark@thematthewslawgroup.com; dena.winder@navy.mil; plprince@aol.com; matthew.smith2@us.army.mil
Cc: Shaffner, Dolly
Subject: Re: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at


USERRA has not been a topic at our program.

Thank you Cindy!  Do you mind giving him a call?  His proximity is a plus.
Sent using BlackBerry

----- Original Message -----
From: Norwood, Cynthia <CNorwood@oag.state.va.us>
To: Davis, Ned; Neal Puckett <neal@puckettfaraj.com>; Andrea Brotherton <andrea.brotherton@navy.mil>; christopher.m.dunne@uscg.mil <christopher.m.dunne@uscg.mil>; Marcus Brinks <spratjack@embarqmail.com>; Richard Prevost <prevostr@ndu.edu>; Charles R. Allen <cka@infionline.net>; Gary M. Bowman <garymbowman3@cox.net>; Mark Matthews <mark@thematthewslawgroup.com>; Dena Panecaldo <dena.winder@navy.mil>; Scott Prince <plprince@aol.com>; Matt Smith <matthew.smith2@us.army.mil>
Cc: Shaffner, Dolly
Sent: Tue Feb 09 15:15:15 2010
Subject: RE: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico

I know someone who could give an outstanding presentation on USERRA (LTC (ret.) Courtney Wheeler), but I think someone informed me that this topic was covered recently.  (In the past, I have been unable to attend the CLE because of military conflicts.)  If not, I can ask him.  Please let me know.  He lives in Northern Virginia, so it would be easy for him to assist.


Cynthia H. Norwood
Senior Assistant Attorney General
Financial Law and Government Support
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Telephone:  804-225-4541
Facsimile:  804-786-1904
E-mail:  cnorwood@oag.state.va.us

PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION : This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of the sender.  The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed.  Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited.  The sender takes no responsibility for any unauthorized reliance on this message.  If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and purge the message you received without forwarding it to anyone.


From: Davis, Ned [mailto:Davis@vsb.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 2:43 PM
To: Neal Puckett; Norwood, Cynthia; Andrea Brotherton; christopher.m.dunne@uscg.mil; Marcus Brinks; Richard Prevost; Charles R. Allen; Gary M. Bowman; Mark Matthews; Dena Panecaldo; Scott Prince; Matt Smith
Cc: Shaffner, Dolly
Subject: MLS Annual CLE Program Friday, May 14, 2010 at Quantico


To follow-up our meeting nearly three weeks ago –

I understand that thus far I am the only one who has volunteered to give a presentation at the Annual Program at Quantico on May 14.  As in the past, I will cover one hour of Ethics CLE.

To round-out the program, we need two more speakers, but I recall that we are without any prospective candidates.  I think that Dena was going to contact someone, but don’t recall any further discussion.

In light of the fact that we have no more meetings between now and May 14, and that the speakers need to be identified at the earliest opportunity to enable them to clear their schedules,

I recommend that you have everyone on the Board of Governors (1) think of some potential candidates to cover a topic of interest and (2) by March 1, report back to you with their recommendations.

I recommend that you or whoever provides you with names, with Dolly’s help, begin contacting the prospective candidates until two have committed.

Without any firm target dates, I am concerned about the program lapsing this year.

If you concur, Dolly can track this and follow-up with the Board of Governors. 

Best regards.

        Edward L. Davis, Bar Counsel
Virginia State Bar
707 East Main Street, Suite 1500 | Richmond, Virginia 23219-2800
(804) 775-0566 | Fax (804) 775-0597
www.vsb.org | davis@vsb.org

The Virginia State Bar is a state agency that protects the public by educating and assisting lawyers to practice ethically and competently, and by disciplining those who violate the Supreme Court's Rules of Professional Conduct, all at no cost to Virginia taxpayers.