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Re: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School

Copy.  Seem to remember the Danyluk name from a few years back.  We do have an interest.  Our bicycle rider-in-chief, Haytham, will want to arm wrestle you for that assignment.
Neal A. Puckett, Esq
LtCol, USMC (Ret)
Puckett & Faraj, PC
Washington DC | Virginia

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On Feb 11, 2010, at 4:36 PM, Eric Montalvo wrote:

Don't know if I will be still invited after I give notice but this will need to be put on "the calendar."  Just want to make sure you are tracking on my movements.  There is a bicycle ride for wounded warrior veterans happening later in the year and I know one of the organizers you may know him as well Steve Danyluk husband of Valerie?  Anyway it is happening in SC and want to know if the firm has an interest in sending someone there to speak to the audience about general issues of concern...

From: Peter Faherty <pfaherty@tullylegal.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 17:48:11 +0000
To: Eric S. Montalvo<emontalvo@tullylegal.com>
Subject: RE: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School

Below is the list of confirmed and potential speakers.  Depending on the rest of our confirmations we will determine a panel structure.  Also we have been approved to reimburse you up to $400 for flight accomidations.  This covers a roundtrip ticket from Baltimore to Albany (apparently the only direct flight).
1. David Crane from Syracuse Law School has confirmed that he will participate in the symposium. Crane was the first U.S. Chief Prosecutor at an international war crime tribunal since Justice Jackson himself. Here is his bio:http://www.law.syr.edu/faculty/facultymember.aspx?fac=152

2. Prof. James Gathii at ALS has confirmed that he will participate too. He would like to speak on international commercial disputes.
3. Prof. David Moore, Touro Law School. He is speaking on the constitutionality (or not) of applying International Law in U.S. courts.

4. Eli Rosenbaum at the DoJ has agreed in principle to speak at the symposium but has to confirm availability for the date. Here is NY Times article on him:


Other Possible Speakers

1. Hon. Louise Arbour. She is the former Justice of the Canadian Supreme Court and is currently the President of the International Crisis Group. She was also the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights and the Chief Prosecutor at the Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals. She would speak on international criminal law. Here is her bio:


2. Prof. Sarah Cleveland from Columbia Law School. She is right now working in the Office of the Legal Adviser (Dean Koh) at the State Department. Here is her bio: http://www.law.columbia.edu/fac/Sarah_Cleveland

3. Stephen Rapp. Here is a TIME article on Rapp:

4. Olara A. Otunnu. Prof. Otunnu is from Uganda and was Prof. of law at ALS before becoming the President of the UN Security Council. Today, he is a candidate to be Uganda’s next President! Here is his bio: http://www.lblfoundation.org/english/olaraaotunnupres3.html

5. Prof. Chantal Thomas from Cornell Law School. Her bio is here: http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/faculty/bio.cfm?id=230

From: Eric S. Montalvo
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 12:41 PM
To: Peter Faherty
Subject: Re: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School

Roger gtg thanks. Pls also let me know who other panel members are and any specific focus you want me prepared to address

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Peter Faherty <pfaherty@tullylegal.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 17:26:37 +0000
To: Eric S. Montalvo<emontalvo@tullylegal.com>
Subject: RE: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School

We are actually doing our budget meeting right now and I expect the school to fund transportation.
Matt also offered to do it, depending on how much we can get.  Your hotel stay will definately be taken care of by us.  I will let you know by Monday exactly how much we can reimburse for your travel.

From: Eric S. Montalvo
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 5:28 PM
To: Peter Faherty
Cc: Kenneth Nicholson; Jessica Brociek
Subject: RE: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School

Thanks.  Is the school picking up transportation or is the Firm?  Sorry…just need to know re logistics planning.


Ken please put on calendar.



Eric S. Montalvo

Attorney at Law



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From: Peter Faherty 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 1:04 PM
To: Eric S. Montalvo
Subject: Official Invitation to Speak at Albany Law School


On behalf of the Justice Robert H. Jackson Lecture Series Committee and the Student Bar Association of Albany Law School please accept this invitation to speak at Albany Law School’s annual Justice Robert H. Jackson Lecture Series.


Albany Law School’s Justice Robert H. Jackson Lecture Series is a longstanding tradition of educationally enriching lectures, presentations, and panel discussions put on for the Albany Law School community and Capital Region as a whole.  The series is intended to honor the legacy of our most notable alumnus, Justice Robert H. Jackson.  This year, to honor Justice Jackson’s legacy, we are focusing on the role of international law and American jurisprudence.  Specifically, the question we feel lurking in the background of this topic is whether international law has any relevance in American Jurisprudence.  Considering your extensive work under the umbrella of this topic, we believe you would be a perfect addition to our panel of speakers.  We hope to arrange our speakers by subtopic, so we are willing to accommodate your particular interests.

We hope you will be able to find the time to address the legal community here in Albany, New York.  With the support of the Albany Law School faculty, the Albany Law School administration and the diverse legal community here in Albany, the Justice Jackson Lecture Series has been a continued success at our law school year after year. 


We recognize that you must be inundated with these types of requests and your schedule is demanding.  We have set the date of the lecture series for Wednesday, April 7, 2010.  If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Peter L. Faherty
Law Clerk

441 New Karner Road 
Albany, New York 12205 
518-218-7100 Phone 
518-218-0496 Fax

Confidentiality / Privilege Notice: This transmission, including attachments, is intended solely for the use of the designated recipients(s). This transmission may contain information that is confidential and/or privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. The use or disclosure of the information contained in this transmission for any purpose other than that intended by its transmittal is strictly prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient of this transmission, please immediately destroy all copies received and notify the sender.