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Dear Writers,

Also, I sent this out before, but please follow the following guidelines when submitting pieces for Reflections. Please keep this in our file for future reference.
1) All touts are due on the 25th of the month.
2) Once approved, all pieces are due on the 5th of the month.
3) Please submit all articles in a Word document as an attachment in Arial font size 12.
4) All pieces should be a MAXIMUM of 900 words.
5) Please include your official byline at the end of the piece. This will help me having to go back and find out what you want people to know your title as.
By following these parameters, you will be facilitating our job and improving the efficiency and quality of the magazine.

Thank you again for your contribution!

Communications Director
The Edmund Burke Institute
1220 L St. NW Suite 100-293
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-492-4580
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Reflections Magazine!
From: "Loredana Vuoto" <lvuoto@edmundburkeinstitute.org>
Date: Wed, February 17, 2010 11:37 am
To: "Loredana Vuoto" <lvuoto@edmundburkeinstitute.org>
Cc: captnmike@gmail.com, "Michelle Johnson" <mjohnson@ewtn.com>,
apiontkovsky@aol.com, joseph.beaudoin@hotmail.com, pegi_mac@yahoo.com,
JoelAnandSamy@aol.com, "Steve Malzberg" <malzberg1@msn.com>,
rgwqm5@mail.mizzou.edu, ambaker2@liberty.edu, gijoe163@aol.com,
martin@kernrepublicans.com, elliswash1@aol.com, "Neal Puckett"
<neal@puckettfaraj.com>, "Mary Jo Anderson"
<mjcanderson@bellsouth.net>, "Joe Vigliotti" <gijoe163@aol.com>, "John
Ritchie" <jritchie@tfp.org>, "Susan Nelson" <susan.nelson@mail.com>,
"Lawrence Grayson" <lpgrayson@verizon.net>

Dear Writers,

The February issue of Reflections is live! To view your article, go to: http://www.ebireflections.com/
Thank you all for your contribution! We greatly appreciate it.
If you have not done so and plan on writing for the March issue, please send me your tout no later than February 25.
Thanks again!


Communications Director
The Edmund Burke Institute
1220 L St. NW Suite 100-293
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-492-4580