![Nick Rowley]()
and love turned out to be a powerful 1-2 combination for trial attorney
Nick Rowley. At the age of 32, Rowley has tried 59 cases and seen
hundreds of settlements. In his most recent case, tried with
colleagues Alejandro Blanco and Daniel Rodriguez, truth and love meant a
$31.5 million verdict for a single plaintiff. Rocio Landeros, age
16, suffered a brain injury with resulting left sided hemi paresis
(weakness and foot drop). The defendant driver was a farm worker who was
drunk and admitted liability, but the insurer refused to pay out. For 25
months the insurer would not offer a penny. After years of battling, the
insurer offered to settle the case for policy limits, but Rowley, Blanco
& Rodriguez had other ideas. They turned the Insurer Fireman's Fund
down, saying "the settle-for-policy-limits-train left the station-
we promised we would take you to trial." They marched into a
month-long trial knowing that the insurer risked a potential bad faith
suit if the plaintiffs won in excess of the $10 million policy
limit. The jury returned a more than triple verdict of $36.1 million
for the plaintiffs.
Blanco & Rodriguez are graduates of Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers
College and fans of Rick Friedman and David Ball. They credit their big
wins on this case and others to study, dedication, and most importantly,
loving their clients. Said Nick, "When talking to juries about money
I rely on David Ball on
Damages. I have done my best to master that approach,
intertwining TLC methods into it. David Ball on
Damages is ESSENTIAL for any lawyer trying personal
injury cases. To prove liability I look to Rick Friedman's Rules of the Road.
To connect with the jury and my client I look to Gerry Spence's Win Your Case.
Each of these books are must reads for any trial lawyer representing
injured plaintiffs."