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NEW ObamaCare Bill Announcement Monday Obama Is Introducing a NEW Socialized Healthcare Bill Monday -
ALERT: Did you think that, because Barack Hussein Obama has called for a "bipartisan healthcare reform summit" on Feb. 25th that the Democrats were serious about starting over and including the Republicans' ideas in their plans?
But that's not all they're reporting: Pelosi said, "We (Liberal Democrats) will go through the gate," "If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own..." (GOOD?) Obama Is Introducing a NEW Socialized Healthcare Bill Monday -Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped - Select Here to STOP THE SECRET DEAL: SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! Translation Democrats will shove ObamaCare down every Americans throat like it or not, it will happen and Obama is pushing it through. Dick Morris Is Right About A Liberal Democrat Secret Plan for ObamaCare Morris has revealed a two part Democratic Deal to Defraud America.
Morris continued and said, a Senate source cautions: "Senators more
than House members and both more than ordinary people, lie." The deal is secured by a pledge from Reid and the Senate's Democratic caucus that they will make "fixes" to the Senate bill after it becomes law with Obama's John Hancock. According to Morris's source, Reid will provide to Pelosi a letter signed by 52 Democratic senators indicating they will pass the major changes, or "fixes," the House Democrats are demanding. Again, these fixes will be approved by the Senate only after Obama signs the Senate bill into law. Obama Is Introducing a NEW Socialized Healthcare Bill Monday -Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped - Select Here to STOP THE SECRET DEAL: SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! By all measures Obama is on track to be the worst president in American history. He only has himself to blame for his dismal record AMERICA IS BROKE on his watch with:
Next Up ObamaCare and it will destroy Health Care in America This is a fight for the very heart of America. We can
WIN this fight! With Senate Republicans now forcing
Democrats to "ping-pong" the ObamaCare bill back and forth between the two
Houses, we can capitalize on the divisions within the Democrat Party
itself! If we can STOP Reid and Pelosi from getting enough votes in
either House -- that means THE BILL WOULD DIE!
NOW TAKE ACTION: We don't have much time before the
liberal Democrat leaders in the House and Senate begin their backroom
deal-making to work all of their deals and compromises, in hopes of
getting enough votes to pass ObamaCare. We have to start
NOW in letting ALL of these people who are
supposed to be representing US in Washington, that we are NOT going to put
up with this -- and that they MUST LISTEN TO US and KILL
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